Defense Ministry wants China excluded from Israeli 5G – report

posted in: Israel, News

A bar on Chinese firms participating in telecommunications infrastructure has implications for Hutchison’s stake in Partner. The Ministry of Defense recommends against allowing Chinese firms to participate in the construction of 5G mobile telecommunications infrastructure in Israel, Channel 12 News correspondent … Read More

Palestine’s Mahmoud Abbas is threatening the nuclear option

posted in: Middle East, News

Faced with the threat of illegal annexation, the Palestinian Authority is signaling that it is running out of options. An Israeli activist holds a banner during a protest against the US peace plan for the Middle East, in front of … Read More

Jordanian king warns of “massive conflict” if Israel annexes parts of West Bank

King Abdullah II of Jordan said in an interview with the German magazine Der Spiegel that Israeli annexation of parts of the West Bank “will lead to a massive conflict with Jordan.” Why it matters: This is the harshest statement by … Read More

Decline in coronavirus pandemic in Israel continues

Number of active coronavirus cases in Israel falls to lowest level since March, with just 24 new cases in 24 hours. Recovering coronavirus patient – iStock The number of active cases of the novel coronavirus in Israel continued to decline … Read More

Close to half of Israelis back annexation, less than a third think it’ll happen

posted in: Israel, News

Poll finds a slight majority of Israeli Jews back advancing sovereignty in parts of West Bank, though even many supporters are doubtful government will actually go ahead with it soon. An Israeli flag is seen in the E1 area of … Read More

Hamas MP calls for murder of Jews, says Israeli annexation violates Allah’s will

Hamas lawmaker Yunis al-Astal: “Who is more dangerous to humanity, COVID-19 or the Jews? The Jews should be treated according to Allah’s decree: Kill them wherever you may find them.” Hamas lawmaker Yunis al-Astal (MEMRI) (May 10, 2020 / MEMRI) Hamas MP Yunis … Read More

11 European ambassadors warn Israel against West Bank annexation

posted in: Israel, News

Envoys from UK, France, Germany, other states say move would violate international law, harm regional stability, Israel’s international standing. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu points at a map of the Jordan Valley as he gives a statement, promising to extend Israeli … Read More

Abbas says Palestinian accords with Israel, U.S. null if Israel annexes West Bank land

posted in: Middle East, News

RAMALLAH, West Bank (Reuters) – Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said in remarks aired on Wednesday that his administration would regard agreements with Israel and the United States “completely canceled” if Israel annexes land in the occupied West Bank. “We have … Read More

Egyptian TV show about Israel’s destruction opens real world rift

posted in: Middle East, News

Israel’s foreign ministry reminds Egypt of peace deal after sci-fi drama El-Nehaya airs. Egyptian children play with fireworks at the start of Ramadan. Photograph: APAImages/Rex/Shutterstock An Egyptian science fiction drama that predicts Israel’s destruction has provoked an angry reaction from … Read More

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