Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – 27 September 2019

posted in: News, Weekly Update

Greetings from Tyler, For those that protest about things being POLITICAL, get over it.  When no man can buy or sell without the mark of the Beast, will that be POLITICAL?  If evil conclusively gets control of Western governments and … Read More

Netanyahu tasked with forming new Israeli government

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his centrist rival Benny Gantz are in negotiations on forming a unity government together after poll results gave neither man a path to govern on their own (AFP Photo/Oded Balilty, JACK GUEZ) Israeli President … Read More

Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – 20 September 2019

posted in: News, Weekly Update

Greetings from Tyler, Ahh.  There’s nothing quite like the sound of chanting schoolchildren first thing in the morning.  The poor little darlings have been brainwashed from all directions.  Their teachers have beaten fear and anger into their impressionable minds.  We’ve … Read More

Netanyahu fails to secure majority, offer of coalition rejected by Gantz

posted in: Israel, News

Israel’s weakened Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu saw his offer on Thursday of a coalition with his strongest political rival swiftly rebuffed after failing to secure a governing majority in a tight election, Reuters reports.  Netanyahu’s surprise move was an abrupt change … Read More

Israeli Election Too Close to Call–AGAIN! Will Unity Gov’t Emerge?

posted in: Israel, News

Neither Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party nor former IDF chief Benny Gantz’s Kachol v’Lavan party appears able to form a majority coalition without the support of Avigdor Liberman, leader of the midsize Yisrael Beitenu party. Photo Credit: Flash 90 As the … Read More

Muslim worshippers clash with Israeli police at Jerusalem holy site

Muslims refer to the site as the Noble Sanctuary and Jews refer to it as the Temple Mount. JERUSALEM — Muslim worshipers clashed with Israeli police in Jerusalem’s Old City Sunday, a holy day on the religious calendar for both … Read More

Israel Launches Relentless Bombardment on Gaza

posted in: Israel, News

TEHRAN (FNA)- Israel has launched a lengthy bombardment of positions in the Gaza Strip, sources inside the besieged enclave reported. Palestinian news agencies reported late on Saturday that Israeli airstrikes targeted positions allegedly held by the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas … Read More

Analysis Why Iran Is Risking a Major Escalation With Israel

posted in: Israel, News

Israel prevented the Iranians from building bases from which to launch attacks against it. But it failed to dislodge them from Syria — and Putin plans to keep it that way. A demonstrator holds a representation of the Israeli flag … Read More

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