Romania at AIPAC: We will move our embassy to Jerusalem

posted in: News, World News

Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă says her government are moving their embassy to Jerusalem.. (photo credit: screenshot) Romania has announced on Sunday that it will be moving its embassy to Jerusalem. Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă made the announcement during … Read More

Pompeo sees ‘Lord at work’ as Trump is saving the Jews from Iran

posted in: Israel, News

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. (Hadas Parush/Flash90) The U.S. secretary of state commented to a Christian media outlet that he sees his nation’s support for the Jewish state as potentially divinely inspired. During … Read More

Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – 22 March 2019

posted in: News, Weekly Update

Greetings from Tyler, So many things are taking place here and abroad it’s hard to know where to start or when to stop. A massive headline this week told of Angela Merkel reneging on her pledge to our President to … Read More

Trump support of Golan Heights sovereignty and Netanyahu visit continue US special relationship with Israel

Affirming the strong ties between the U.S. and Israel, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will meet next week with President Trump at the White House and will speak an estimated 18,000 people at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s annual policy conference … Read More

Analysis Trump’s Golan Declaration: Blessing for Netanyahu, Message to Russia

posted in: Israel, News

The international response is likely to be weak, and returning the Golan isn’t something most Israelis support. The significance is mostly political, and the timing unsurprising. U.S. President Donald Trump (right) and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hug after speaking at … Read More

Syria vows to recover Golan as Trump policy shift draws criticism

posted in: Middle East, News

BEIRUT (Reuters) – The Syrian government vowed to take back the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights as its allies and enemies alike condemned U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday for moving to recognize Israeli sovereignty over the territory seized in war. Trump’s … Read More

Israel court orders closure of building at Jerusalem holy site

posted in: Breaking News, News

The Golden Gate at Al-Aqsa mosque is known as the Temple Mount by Jews. (AFP/File) Waqf religious organization has 60 days to respond to the court’s decision Palestinians entered the site despite it being closed by Israeli forces JERUSALEM: An … Read More

West Bank Attack Raises Tensions as Israeli Elections Approach

posted in: Israel, News

An Israeli security officer standing guard at the site of an attack in the West Bank city of Ariel on Sunday.Credit Credit Jack Guez/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images JERUSALEM — A Palestinian carried out a stabbing and shooting attack in … Read More

Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – 15 March 2019

posted in: News, Weekly Update

Greetings from Tyler, They’re still wrangling, unsuccessfully, with so-called Brexit. Some have said they’d sign the (EU crafted) deal if Prime Minister Theresa May would resign. The complications are such that most of us wouldn’t want to know the technicalities … Read More

Israel launches airstrikes on ‘terror sites in Gaza’ after attack on Tel Aviv, military says

The Israeli military early Friday announced it had launched airstrikes on “terror sites in Gaza,” a retaliatory move after rockets blamed on the militant group Hamas were fired on Tel Aviv. “We have just started striking terror sites in Gaza. Details … Read More

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