ANALYSIS: What’s Behind the Crisis Over the Temple Mount?

posted in: Breaking News, News

On Tuesday, Israeli police finally decided to close the Temple Mount in Jerusalem after a Muslim terrorist threw a firebomb at a station of the Border Police near the Al-Aqsa Mosque. One police officer was seriously wounded by the firebomb while Muslim … Read More

40 years of Iranian threats against Israel and few pay any attention

Getty Images Last month a conference in Warsaw brought together high ranking officials from 60 countries, called to discuss the current chaos in the Middle East, and to zero in on the threat posed to the region by the regime in Tehran. … Read More

New Poll Shows Netanyahu Gaining on Rivals, Likely to Form Next Government

posted in: Israel, News

Likud supporters hold a photo of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at an election campaign event in Ramat Gan, March 4, 2019. Photo: Reuters / Amir Cohen / File. A new poll of Israeli voters published on Sunday showed Prime … Read More

Damascus: Syria is ready for war with Israel

posted in: Israel, News

Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad sent an official warning to Christine Lund, the Head of the UNTSO, the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization between Israel on one side and Syria and Lebanon on the other. In his statement, Mekdad … Read More

Netanyahu, unfazed by indictment, vows to be Prime Minister for years

posted in: Israel, News

Netanyahu on corruption charges: “This house of cards will collapse.” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at a press conference, February 28th, 2019. (photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM/THE JERUSALEM POST) Only the voters will decide if I remain in office, not bureaucrats, … Read More

Sisi: If Jews return to Egypt, We’ll build synagogues

posted in: Middle East, News

“President Sisi spoke fondly not only of Egypt’s past vibrant Jewish community, but also said that should there be a resurgence of the Jewish community in Egypt.” If Jews are interested in establishing a Jewish community in Egypt, the government … Read More

Will Netanyahu petition block AG plan to indict?

posted in: Israel, News

Decision could decisively impact election; Case 2000 still unclear. Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu listens to Avichai Mandelblit. (photo credit: ABIR SULTAN/POOL/VIA REUTERS) Attorney-General Avichai Mandelblit is expected to announce his intent to indict Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for bribery … Read More

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