Israeli security cabinet set to discuss possible deal with Hamas on Gaza

posted in: Israel, News

IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eizenkot, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman discuss the confrontation with Iran and Syria on February 10 2018. Ariel Hermoni/Ministry of Defense Families of slain IDF soldiers slam gov’t over negotiating deal … Read More

Israeli Demands That Iran Exit Syria Not ‘Realistic,’ Russian Envoy Says

posted in: News, Russia

UN peacekeeping troops look over the border line between Syria and the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s repeated demands that Iranian forces and their allies leave Syria are not “realistic,” Russia’s ambassador to Israel has said. “The … Read More

Riyadh to US: No Peace Plan Without East Jerusalem as Palestine Capital – Report

posted in: Israel, News

Saudi Arabia has reportedly given a private guarantee to its Arab allies that it will not endorse a US’ Mideast peace plan that doesn’t address Jerusalem’s status or Palestinian refugees’ right to return. According to Haaretz, citing two senior diplomats, Saudi … Read More

Messiah-Mania hits fever pitch in Israel

posted in: Breaking News, News

An artist’s depiction of the Jewish Temple (video screenshot) Messiah-mania has reached a fever pitch in Israel, as one prominent rabbi says the prophesied redeemer was born a week ago, while a group promoting the rebuilding of the Temple released … Read More

Is the IDF ready for its next legal war?

posted in: Israel, News

While protests, attempts to infiltrate Israel’s border fence, and fire kites have slowed some in recent weeks, no one has declared the crisis over and the IDF still views the situation as ongoing. ALESTINIANS PRAY yesterday next to the bodies … Read More

Archaeologist says entire Western Wall is ‘danger zone,’ public should stay away

Warning of ‘multiple cracks’ after boulder falls, Zachi Dvira says people should not be allowed near holy site — neither in the mainstream prayer pavilion nor at Robinson’s Arch. View of the site where a large chunk of stone dislodged … Read More

Abbas vows to continue to pay terrorists ‘even if it costs PA its last penny’

posted in: Middle East, News

Comments about Jews by Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas triggered global condemnation – YURI KOCHETKOV (POOL/AFP/File) Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Monday defiantly vowed to continue make welfare payments to convicted terrorists and their families, even if it costs his government … Read More

Jordan condemns Jewish ascent to Temple Mount by ‘occupying power’

posted in: Breaking News, News

Tisha Be’av in eyes of Jordanian and PA officials and media: “Jews storm Al-Aqsa in ‘central occupied West Bank district of Jerusalem.” >15 Jews arrested at Temple Mount, as record numbers visit for Tisha B’Av >  In official letter, Jordan … Read More

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