Opinion How Putin’s Syria Gambit Could End With Israel Revealing Its Military Superiority

posted in: News, Russia

For the first time since the beginning of the Russian intervention in Syria, Putin may find himself in direct confrontation with Israel. Russian President Putin and Prime Minister Netanyahu shake hands at an event marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day in … Read More

Israel calls emergency security cabinet meeting following deadly Syria strikes

posted in: Israel, News

IDF Chief of Staff Gadi Eizenkot, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman discuss the confrontation with Iran and Syria on February 10 2018. Ariel Hermoni/Ministry of Defense Reports say cabinet ministers set to be briefed on … Read More

Suspected Israeli strikes hit Iran-linked targets in Syria, escalating regional tensions

BEIRUT — Missile strikes at two Iran-linked bases in Syria caused huge explosions and killed dozens of pro-government fighters, a monitoring group said Monday, in an attack seen as Israel’s latest blow in a shadow war to contain Iranian influence. Syrian state media … Read More

WW3 warning: ‘80,000 Iranian fighters’ could launch GROUND INVASION to break up Israel

posted in: Israel, News

THE shock revelation of an alleged Iranian base in Syria, close to the Israeli border, holding up to 80,000 fighters has threatened to push the world closer to an outbreak of conflict, according to expert commentators on the BBC. The … Read More

Lieberman to Saudi media: If Iran attacks Tel Aviv, Israel will attack Tehran

posted in: Israel, News

Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman (R) and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif AFP Iran’s Supreme Leader says Arab nations that befriend Israel ‘bring misery to Muslims’ Israel’s defense minister Avigdor Liberman issued a stark threat to Iran through Saudi … Read More

The shadow war between Israel and Iran takes center stage

posted in: News

The rumblings of an open conflict between Israel and Iran in Syria are growing louder. When President Trump launched yet another one-off missile salvo against the Syrian regime, it came on the heels of a suspected April 9 Israeli strike on an Iranian facility at a Syrian air … Read More

Israel warns of retaliation if Russian-backed S-300 in Syria fire at Israel

posted in: Israel, News

Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman at a local government conference in Tel Aviv on Wednesday February 14 2018. Ariel Harmoni/Ministry of Defense ‘Russian systems are in Syria, they are not acting against us, we have an open line & dialogue’ Liberman … Read More

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