Israel squares off for showdown with Iran in Syria

posted in: Israel, News

Israel has viewed Iran’s growing footprint in neighbouring Syria with alarm [File: Omar Sanadiki/Reuters] A surge in Israeli-Syrian cross-border incidents has turned into the “biggest” confrontation between the two countries in decades, and confronted Russia with a new dilemma: how to preserve … Read More

Mideast tensions get even worse

(CNN)As if the broken, angry, dysfunctional Middle East needed another conflict, along came an unprecedented escalation between Israel, Iran and Syria to make the region even more volatile and dangerous. In the predawn hours of Saturday, an Iranian drone penetrated Israeli airspace … Read More

Israel widely condemns Poland’s new ‘Holocaust law’

JERUSALEM — The diplomatic backlash had been immediate. Polish President Andrzej Duda on Tuesday signed into a law a controversial Holocaust bill that criminalizes ascribing blame for crimes committed by Nazi Germany to the Polish nation, including use of the term “Polish death camp.” Penalties range … Read More

Netanyahu: Israel Expects All Nations to Help Protect the Truth About the Holocaust – Including Poland

posted in: Israel, News

‘We must always study the truth about the Holocaust, we must always remember it, prime minister says. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu chairs the weekly cabinet meeting at his Jerusalem office on February 4, 2018. AFP / POOL /JIM HOLLANDER Israeli … Read More

Hamas ‘Prepares for Imminent War’ With Israel in Gaza

posted in: Israel, News

Hamas sees ’95 percent’ chance of confrontation with Israel, Al Hayat reports, but sources say Hamas is attempting to ratchet up debate about the humanitarian crisis in the Strip A Palestinian demonstrator prepares to hurl a burning tire at Israeli … Read More

Hezbollah official warns terror group can destroy Israeli army

posted in: Israel, News

Hezbollah has responded to an op-ed published by IDF Spokesman Brig.-Gen. Ronen Manelis on Lebanese opposition websites, calling it “provocative words published by a coward.” “The article is nonsense and a provocation that is published by someone who is a coward,” wrote … Read More

Trump administration doubles down on Palestinian aid cutoff threat

posted in: Israel, News

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is doubling down on its threat to cut off aid to the Palestinians if they fail to “sit down and negotiate peace,” even as it proceeds with contentious plans to move the U.S. embassy to … Read More

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