Israel leaders embrace Pence as a ‘mensch,’ others show their anger

WASHINGTON — Vice President Pence repeatedly made headlines during a four-day trip to the Middle East taken weeks after the Trump administration recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel —– a move that sparked protests throughout the region after Trump’s December announcement. … Read More

Israel’s Greatest Enemy: Iran, or Overconfidence?

posted in: Israel, News

Headed north?  Photographer: Jack Guez/AFP/Getty Images On the wall of Amos Yadlin’s office at the Institute for National Security Studies in Tel Aviv, there is a framed Time magazine cover displaying an F-16A fighter jet — the plane Yadlin flew in 1981 when, as … Read More

Palestinian leaders advise suspending recognition of Israel

Jerusalem (CNN) Palestinian leaders have called on the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) to suspend its recognition of Israel just days after Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas urged the group to “revise” its agreements with the Jewish state. Abbas is head of … Read More

Netanyahu tells Macron to take Trump seriously, fix Iran deal

 French President Emmanuel Macron welcomes Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Paris. (photo credit: PHILIPPE WOJAZER / REUTERS) PARIS – A day after President Donald Trump set an ultimatum to fix “disastrous flaws” in a deal curbing Iran’s nuclear program, … Read More

Analysis: How to stop the shooting from the Gaza Strip

posted in: Israel, News

    Smoke trails are seen as rockets are launched towards Israel from the northern Gaza Strip. (photo credit: REUTERS) Conditions in the Gaza Strip today resemble those that prevailed before previous rounds of hostilities, above all Operation Protective Edge, and … Read More

Iranian protests and Israeli-Palestinian consequences

posted in: Israel, News

In foreign policy everything is connected. Every great power’s foreign policy is calculated with respect to every other big power’s foreign policy. What happens of importance in one country doesn’t have effects only in that country. There are ripple effects … Read More

Israel launches plan to expel thousands of African migrants

posted in: Israel, News

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (Abir Sultan, pool via AP, File) Jerusalem – Israel on Wednesday began implementing a plan to force tens of thousands of African migrants out of the country by April, threatening to arrest those who stay. … Read More

Death Penalty for Terrorists Sparks Fierce Debate in Israel

posted in: Israel, News

Israel’s Knesset on Wednesday voted 52-49 in favor of a bill that would enable both military and state courts to sentence convicted terrorists to death. Technically, Israeli courts can already sentence convicts to death, but only via the unanimous decision … Read More

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