Right-wing coalition passes law allowing jerusalem to be divided

posted in: Israel, News

—128 states vote for UN resolution slamming Trump’s Jerusalem policy —Knesset to vote on bill to allow separating neighborhoods from Jerusalem The bill requires a super-majority to give parts of Jerusalem to a foreign entity, but has a major loophole. … Read More

Analysis The Time-bomb That May Set Off the Next Israel-Hamas War Is Ticking in Gaza

posted in: Israel, News

The ongoing crisis between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority could lead Hamas’ chief to launch an offensive against Israel Despite the renewed rocket and mortar fire from the Gaza Strip and growing criticism from the opposition, the government apparently doesn’t … Read More

10 More Countries Reportedly Consider Moving Embassies to Jerusalem

posted in: Israel, News

Israel was thrilled at the weekend over news that Guatemala had decided to follow in America’s footsteps by recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish state and beginning the process of moving its embassy here. After profusely thanking Guatemala … Read More

Syrian, Iranian backed forces advance in border area near Israel

AMMAN – 26 December 2017: Syrian army forces backed by Iranian-backed militias pushed deeper into the last rebel-held enclave near a strategic border area with Israel and Lebanon in a new expansion of Tehran’s influence in the war-torn country. The … Read More

Israel rejects ‘preposterous’ UN vote, thanks nations that supported ‘the truth’

posted in: Israel, News

Netanyahu: Jerusalem is our capital — always was, always will be; top Arab MK: World believes the Palestinian people deserve a place in this world Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday dismissed a UN vote to reject US President Donald … Read More

UN General Assembly to Meet on Jerusalem Status

posted in: Israel, News

The United Nations Security Council meets on the situation in the Middle East, including Palestine, at U.N. Headquarters in New York City, New York, U.S., December 18, 2017. Credit: Reuters/Brendan McDermid United Nations: The 193-member United Nations General Assembly will hold a rare emergency special … Read More

Israel arrests 430 Palestinians, injures 3,400 since US decision on Jerusalem

posted in: Israel, News

Israeli forces detain a Palestinian man during protests against US President Donald Trump’s announcement to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel on 16 December 2017 [Mostafa Alkharouf/Anadolu Agency] Israeli occupation forces arrested 430 Palestinians and wounded more than 3,400 … Read More

Trump’s New National Security Doctrine: Israel Is Not the Cause of the Middle East’s Problems

posted in: Israel, News

In new outline of national security strategy, Trump doctrine to declare that ‘states have increasingly found common interests with in Israel’ in confronting threats such as Iran and radical jihadist terrorist organizations. Prioritizing national sovereignty over alliances, President Donald Trump … Read More

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