Analysis Sinai Attack: Astonishing Egyptian Failure Has Israel Worried

posted in: Israel, News

The ineffectiveness cries out to the heavens, especially considering reports that Israel helped Egypt with intelligence and the use of drones against ISIS strongholds. The massacre of worshippers at a mosque in Sinai on Friday – the deadliest jihadi terror … Read More

Iran: Israel will be ‘eradicated’ in next war with Hezbollah

posted in: Israel, News

One of Iran’s top military commanders has said the Islamic Republic will intervene in any future conflict between Israel and its paramilitary ally in Lebanon, Hezbollah. Mohammed Ali Jafri, the commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), said it … Read More

Israeli military chief wants closer Saudi ties as Iran tensions rise

posted in: Middle East, News

In ‘unprecedented’ interview, Gen Gadi Eisenkot said moderate Arab states must collaborate to ‘deal with’ Tehran  Israeli tanks take part in a training session. Gadi Eisenkot, the chief of general staff of the Israel defence forces, gave the interview to … Read More

Can Israeli Diplomacy pull its weight against Russia, Iran and Syria?

> Netanyahu: Israel will act in Syria ‘in accordance with our security needs’ > Russia: Moscow never promised withdrawal of Iranian troops from Syria While Jerusalem’s voice is heard, its positions are often not fully taken into account.  IDF soldiers … Read More

Is the Middle East Headed for War?

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov JERUSALEM, Israel – Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov made a stunning admission on Tuesday.  He said Russia had not promised that Iranian and pro-Iranian forces would withdraw from Syria. Lavrov’s statement followed Sunday’s announcement of … Read More

Analysis Israel Is in No Hurry to Do the Saudis’ Bidding in Lebanon

posted in: Israel, News

The Israeli army is not about to cross the border despite the Saudis’ anger at Iranian meddling and the Syrian drone that Israel shot down in the north. The first leader to exploit claims that Saudi Arabia is trying to … Read More

Netanyahu Questioned by Police for Fifth Time in Alleged Corruption Probe

posted in: Israel, News

Netanyahu associates were detained in recent days as part of probe into wrongdoing in the sale of German submarines, a case in which Netanyahu has not been interrogated as a suspect Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is being questioned by Israeli … Read More

Opinion How Israel Can Avoid War With Iran and Hezbollah – for Now

posted in: Israel, News

Israeli leaders should push for more military restraint, and to moderate their jingoistic rhetoric, to avoid further escalation. The situation on Israel’s northern border isn’t ‘intolerable’- yet. It’s still not clear whether the current escalation to the north of Israel … Read More

Netanyahu rejects one-state solution, says settlements are a ‘side issue’

posted in: Israel, News

In comprehensive interview with the BBC, PM stops short of endorsing Palestinian statehood; also praises Trump’s ‘leadership qualities’ and Iran policies Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu discusses Israel’s foreign policy at Chatham House, The Royal Institute of International Affairs, in London, … Read More

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