Opinion Is Saudi Arabia Pushing Israel Into War With Hezbollah and Iran?

posted in: Middle East, News

What connects Lebanese PM Saad Hariri’s sudden resignation and Hezbollah’s assassination threat with Saudi Arabia and Israel? It’s all about Iran. But Israel must not be maneuvered by an impatient Riyadh into a premature confrontation Saad Hariri, who resigned Saturday … Read More

Century-old declaration hardens Israeli-Palestinian rift

posted in: Israel, News

Israelis celebrate it. Palestinians despise it. The Balfour Declaration, Britain’s promise to Zionists to create a Jewish home in what is now Israel, turns 100 this week, with events in Israel, the Palestinian territories and Britain drawing attention to the … Read More

Israeli and Palestinian ministers meet in Trump peace push

posted in: Israel, News

Israel and Palestinian officials held a rare high-level meeting in Ramallah as the United States seeks to kickstart stalled peace efforts, officials said on Monday. President Donald Trump’s special envoy for international negotiations, Jason Greenblatt, wrote on Twitter that the … Read More

Hezbollah-Aligned German Center Declares ‘Resistance’ against Israel

posted in: Israel, News

The NRW state intelligence agency – roughly equivalent to Shin Bet in Germany – monitors Al Mahdi because it represents a threat to German democracy.  ONE OF the groups supplied by Iran is Hezbollah.. (photo credit:REUTERS) The chairman of the … Read More

Analysis Netanyahu Declares War on Israel’s Police and Will Stop at Nothing to Smear Them

posted in: Israel, News

While Benjamin Netanyahu ratcheted up the rhetoric this week in an effort to impugn all those involved in investigating him, Labor leader Avi Gabbay garnered his own fair share of juicy headlines. The first shots in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s … Read More

Quoting Arafat, Palestinian mission in Colombia calls for Israel’s destruction

Tweet from official account, since deleted, said: ‘Our goal is the end of Israel… We want WAR and victory.’ Palestinian refugees stand next to graffiti bearing a portrait of late Palestinian Authority president Yasser Arafat at the Ain Al-Helweh refugee … Read More

Analysis: Israel’s Rare Strike in Syria Is an Explosive Message Delivered Personally to Russia

posted in: Israel, News

Hours after Israel’s rare strike in Syria, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared that, “If anyone tries to hurt us, we’ll hurt them.” What was defined by the Israeli army as a Syrian provocation in the morning had become a chance … Read More

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