Trump, Netanyahu express hope for peace ahead of New York meeting

posted in: News, United States

(Photo credit) Reuters The US president and the Israeli prime minister sit side by side and express their hopes for a fruitful collaboration at UN meeting. US President Donald Trump expressed his faith in the success of future peace talks … Read More

Netanyahu at Odds With Israeli Military and Intelligence Brass Over Whether to Push Trump to Scrap Iran Nuclear Deal

Netanyahu and his defense minister believe that the U.S. leaving the deal would be in Israel’s interests, but experts in intelligence agencies have reservations Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman are at odds with the defense establishment … Read More

Iran Boasts That It Tricked the World, Can Now Start Making Nukes

Israel warned former US President Barack Obama that Iran wouldn’t honor the nuclear arms deal he brokered with the Islamic Republic. The ayatollahs and their elected puppets went through the motions, but never truly fulfilled the stipulations of the agreement. … Read More

Israel reported to have bombed Syrian chemical weapons facility

posted in: Israel, News

Syrian military appears to confirm media reports of attack on research centre near Mediterranean coast in night-time raid. Israeli jets have reportedly bombed a Syrian government facility in north-west of the country believed to be associated with Bashar al-Assad’s chemical … Read More

Why Israel needs to prepare America for the upcoming conflict in Syria

Israel successfully destroyed a Syrian nuclear facility, so it is no stretch of the imagination to believe Israel would act again if its intelligence detected Iranian nuclear development in Syria. For the next 10 days Israel will be simulating war … Read More

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