Israel forges financial links with Switzerland, Singapore, Hong Kong

posted in: Israel, News

The Israel Securities Authority is promoting dual listing in Hong Kong and Singapore. The Ministry of Finance today stated, “Israel and Switzerland have signed a letter of understanding for extensive cooperation in the financial services sector.” At the same time, … Read More

Hariri rejects Israeli claims about ‘missile factories’ in Lebanon

posted in: Israel, News

Lebanon’s Prime Minister Saad Hariri has rejected Israel’s claims that Iran is building factories to produce missiles in Lebanese territory, accusing the Israeli regime of carrying out “deception campaigns.” In an interview with French daily Le Monde, which was published … Read More

Iran Building Weapons Factories in Lebanon and Syria, Israel Says

posted in: Middle East, News

JERUSALEM — Israel is using a visit this week by the United Nations Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, to highlight concerns about what it says are Iran’s efforts to produce advanced, precision weapons in Lebanon and Syria. “Iran is busy turning Syria … Read More

Netanyahu says Israel won’t retreat on Jewish settlements: ‘We are here to stay forever’

posted in: Israel, News

Days after meeting a White House delegation to discuss restarting peace negotiations with the Palestinians, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu forcefully spoke out against a principal tenet of any likely agreement: the scaling back of Jewish settlements. At an event … Read More

Kushner chases Trump’s ‘ultimate deal’ in Middle East

posted in: Middle East, News

Tel Aviv (CNN)In a bid to restart a moribund Israeli-Palestinian peace process, Jared Kushner, US President Donald Trump’s adviser and son-in-law, met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Tel Aviv on Thursday. Accompanied by a high-level American delegation, Kushner … Read More

Kushner already had his work cut out in the Middle East. But it just got harder.

JERUSALEM — Presidential son-in-law and adviser Jared Kushner returned to the Mideast this week to revive negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians. But any optimism that an unconventional Trump administration might be able to jump-start meaningful talks has been complicated … Read More

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