How the EU is breaking its own Lisbon Treaty

posted in: European Union, News

That the European Union takes to the moral high ground on international law when it suits it is hardly new. Nor is its infringement of international treaties, even when they are its own. For six months now, the European Union … Read More

Brexit: Cometh the hour, cometh Jeremy Corbyn?

posted in: European Union, News

For the longest time, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has been accused of sitting on the fence on Brexit. Now, he says he has a plan. But can he lead the UK out of its crisis? Rob Mudge looks at his … Read More

What is Article 7? Will the EU resort to the ‘nuclear option’ to force Poland out?

GETTY Article 7: Frans Tmmermans triggered Article 7 against the rebelling Poland EU bosses demanded Poland steps in line with its rulings on Wednesday, giving the rebel state just three months to sort out its internal affairs. EU Commission Vice-President … Read More