More Russians, Ukrainians seek asylum at U.S.-Mexico border

(Reuters) – A growing number of Russians and Ukrainians are traveling to Mexico, buying throwaway cars and driving across the border into the United States to seek asylum, a trend that could accelerate as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has forced … Read More

Venezuela demands the end of sanctions and urges leaders to build a ‘new world’

posted in: News, World News

President Nicolás Maduro on Wednesday said his country was the victim of a “fierce campaign” of permanent and systematic aggression through economic and financial sanctions coming from the United States and its allies. “Financial accounts are being chased, gold has … Read More

New 10,000-strong migrant caravan would leave for U.S. the day North American leaders summit starts

Expert says Mexican president using caravans as ‘leverage’ on Biden administration; industry leader warns dealing with masses of migrants affects border trade EL PASO, Texas (Border Report) – A second major migrant caravan could be assembling in southern Mexico shortly. … Read More

Caravan 2.0: The Numbers Are Massive, Even By Mexico’s Count

A few months ago we saw a massive number of illegal aliens flood the United States-Mexico border as part of the Central American caravan. Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador offered asylum to caravan riders as part of a plan he established, called Estas … Read More