Government shuts down Florida national park after arrival of ‘approximately 300’ illegal immigrants

The federal government this week shut down a Florida national park after hundreds of illegal immigrants arrived at the location unexpectedly. The National Parks Service said in a press release that Dry Tortugas National Park would be closed on Monday … Read More

‘We Have a Migrant Crisis on the Southern Border,’ Says Dem Presidential Candidate Andrew Yang

WASHINGTON — Andrew Yang, a 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, said there is a “migrant crisis” on the U.S.-Mexico border that needs to be addressed. In February, President Trump declared a national emergency as a way to construct additional physical barriers … Read More

‘EU refugee crisis isn’t a crisis it’s the new REALITY’ says French MP

FORMER French Justice Minister Christiane Taubira said on Thursday that the global refugee crisis was here to stay, and that “cruel” immigration policies like the ones advocated by Washington would not deter migrants and refugees. Christiane Taubira, former French Justice … Read More