Ultra-Orthodox protest against order to enlist in Israeli military turns violent in Jerusalem

JERUSALEM (AP) — Thousands of Jewish ultra-Orthodox men clashed with Israeli police in central Jerusalem on Sunday during a protest against a Supreme Court orderfor them to begin enlisting for military service. The landmark decision last week ordering the government … Read More

Nigeria airstrike ‘mistakenly’ kills worshippers at religious festival

At least 85 civilians were killed in Kaduna state, north-west Nigeria, in an air strike during a Muslim religious celebration on Sunday, the local emergency management authority said. The civilians were killed in a “bombing mishap”, President Bola Tinubu said … Read More

India Bans Military Drone Manufacturers from Using Chinese Parts

A group of Indian defense officials and industry representatives told Reuters on Tuesday that India quietly banned military drone manufacturers from using Chinese parts several months ago, due to concerns about security vulnerabilities that could compromise the equipment. India is spending a … Read More

Military’s Expanded Role in 5G Could Lead to ‘Mass Data Collection, Tracking and Monitoring’ of U.S. Citizens

The U.S. military’s chief information officer and former CIA deputy director John Sherman said his office will assume control of all 5G-related activities in the U.S. military and expand the military’s 5G pilot programs — a move critics said could … Read More

Are Iranian Navy Vessels Headed to Venezuela?

A year ago Iran sent multiple fuel tankers to Venezuela to aid its Western Hemisphere ally during the latter nation’s fuel crisis. Now a pair of Iranian Navy ships, including a frigate, has rounded the Cape of Good Hope and is … Read More

China’s Military is Massive: Can Taiwan Count On America If They Invade?

posted in: Far East, News

Despite a recent spike in tensions, China-Taiwan relations are still massively improved, exchanging university students and business investments rather than artillery shells and aerial bombs. However, the capabilities of the PLA have drastically increased in the interval as well. Here’s … Read More

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