The Great Russian Disinformation Campaign

posted in: News, Russia

In a new book, Timothy Snyder explains how Russia revolutionized information warfare—and presages its consequences for democracies in Europe and the United States. Journalists listen to Russian President Vladimir Putin during his annual end-of-year news conference in Moscow, Russia, on … Read More

In eastern Europe, Army girds against Russian might, manipulation

ORZYSZ, Poland — Soon after a U.S. Army convoy crossed Poland’s border into Lithuania during a major military exercise this month, two very strange things happened. First, four Army Stryker armored combat vehicles collided, sending 15 soldiers to the hospital … Read More

Trump is right to meet with Putin — Here is what they need to talk about

The announcement Thursday that President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin will hold a summit July 16 in Helsinki, Finland is welcome news – though it predictably prompted immediate criticism from Democrats and other Trump opponents. But we can discount the instant … Read More

Putin, Trump to have summit in Helsinki on July 16

posted in: News, Russia

MOSCOW (AP) – Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President Donald Trump will hold a summit in Helsinki on July 16, a long-expected encounter that comes amid spiraling tensions between Moscow and Washington. A terse synchronized statement issued by the … Read More

WW3 THREAT: Vladimir Putin’s Russia now a ‘SERIOUS PROBLEM’ for the West, warns UK MP

posted in: News, Russia

WORLD WAR 3: Britain and NATO missed their chance to contain the threat posed by Vladimir Putin and Russia, MP Crispin Blunt has warned, arguing they are now a “very serious problem.” Russia has stoked World War 3 fears in recent years … Read More

Russian airstrikes in southwest Syria signal escalation of regime offensive

posted in: News, Russia

Russia has carried out its first airstrikes in southwest Syria in support of an Assad regime offensive. The battlefield space is one of the most geopolitically complex and explosive in the seven-year war. Russian warplanes pounded opposition areas in southwest … Read More

Opinion Trump Has No Coherent Strategy on Iran. Astonishingly, nor Does Israel

posted in: Israel, News

The U.S. president thinks he’s denuclearized North Korea without dismantling a single bomb. Israel simply can’t risk a similar White House ‘success’ with Iran, but war can’t be its only option either. Israeli Air Force F-15 planes fly during an … Read More

This is how Putin buys influence in the West

posted in: News, Russia

In the old days, these things were done differently. There were KGB couriers, bags of cash, “Moscow gold,” secret subsidies for far-left printing presses: The Soviet Communist Party was seeking to undermine Western democracy, covertly. But it was all pretty … Read More

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