Russia’s ‘floating Chernobyl’ nuclear power plant heads out to sea

posted in: News, Russia

The twin reactors have left their home port of St. Petersburg for a long, slow journey to Siberia. Environmentalists have slammed the mobile maritime reactors, saying an accident could damage parts of the Arctic. Russia launched a floating nuclear power … Read More

China, Russia and Japan seek seats at the table with Kim Jong-un, Moon Jae-in and Donald Trump

Region’s stakeholders all have an interest in rejoining negotiations, while US and South Korea would prefer narrower remit. As the situation on the Korean peninsula shifts rapidly, regional stakeholders are working to ensure they will each have a seat at … Read More

Kiev threatens Russia with ‘full-scale conflict’ if gas transit to Europe through Ukraine stops

posted in: News, Russia

Kiev has warned Moscow of ‘geopolitical consequences’ if Gazprom ceases gas transits through the territory of Ukraine. “If there is no transit through the territory of Ukraine, then the likelihood of a full-scale conflict between Russia and Ukraine is also … Read More

Israel warns of retaliation if Russian-backed S-300 in Syria fire at Israel

posted in: Israel, News

Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman at a local government conference in Tel Aviv on Wednesday February 14 2018. Ariel Harmoni/Ministry of Defense ‘Russian systems are in Syria, they are not acting against us, we have an open line & dialogue’ Liberman … Read More

Russia’s demise in the Age of Information

posted in: News, Russia

We live in the time, where different pieces of information swarm around us, making it almost impossible to escape it. Over the course of mass media’s existence, its role in opinion and attitude shaping has increased dramatically, particularly because of … Read More

Syria chemical attack: the evidence

posted in: Middle East, News

What are the allegations? President Assad’s government has been accused of launching a chemical weapons attack on the Syrian town of Douma on 7 April, 2018. Barrel bombs containing toxic substances were allegedly dropped from helicopters, killing “up to 75 … Read More

Iran, Russia, Syria, Iraq hold intelligence committee meeting

posted in: Middle East, News

TEHRAN – Iran, Russia, Syria and Iraq held a quartet intelligence committee meeting in Baghdad on Thursday, the Mehr news agency reported. The meeting was primarily aimed at sharing intelligence in campaign against terrorism. Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami … Read More

Russia joins European Union, India and China in bid to win compensation over U.S. metals tariffs

posted in: European Union, News

GENEVA – Russia has joined the European Union, India and China in demanding compensation from the United States for its tariffs on foreign steel and aluminum. The World Trade Organization’s web site posted Thursday a filing from Russia that, like … Read More

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