US approves sending F-16s to Ukraine from Denmark and Netherlands

WASHINGTON, Aug 17 (Reuters) – The United States has approved sending F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine from Denmark and the Netherlands to defend against Russian invaders as soon as pilot training is completed, a U.S. official said on Thursday. Ukraine … Read More

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posted in: Breaking News, News, Russia

Aug 9 (Reuters) – Russia will build up forces at its western borders following Finland’s accession to the U.S.-led NATO alliance, Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu told the governing board of the ministry on Wednesday. In opening remarks to the … Read More

Iraq severs diplomatic ties with Sweden over anti-Quran demonstration as protesters storm Baghdad embassy

Images show protesters scaling walls of Swedish Embassy in Iraq Iraq has severed diplomatic ties with Sweden Thursday after a planned anti-Quran demonstration unfolded in Stockholm, during which an individual stepped on and kicked the Islamic holy book and Iraqi … Read More

Analysis: Erdogan thrusts NATO expansion issue into Turkey’s tense election campaign

ANKARA, Jan 26 (Reuters) – Two provocative incidents in Stockholm this month have energised Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan ahead of tight elections and dimmedSweden and Finland’s hopes of joining NATO before the summer, diplomats, analysts and opposition politicians say. Erdogan … Read More

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