More Russians, Ukrainians seek asylum at U.S.-Mexico border

(Reuters) – A growing number of Russians and Ukrainians are traveling to Mexico, buying throwaway cars and driving across the border into the United States to seek asylum, a trend that could accelerate as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has forced … Read More

Biden’s Cynical Attempt to Blame Putin for Inflation

posted in: News, United States

Don’t fall for it. Inflation hit a 40-year high in February, with the Consumer Price Index rising nearly 8 percent over last year. The White House reacted by pointing out that “Americans’ budgets are being stretched by price increases and … Read More

Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – 4 March 2022

posted in: News, Weekly Update

Greetings from Tyler,         Nobody dared ask the question on everyone’s lips.  Both Anthony Blinken and John Kirby held press conferences this week where they took questions.  They didn’t have to answer this one.  How come all the devastating sanctions … Read More

Kamala Harris Makes Last-Ditch Appeal for Peace Putin Is Poised to Ignore

posted in: News, United States

Vice President Kamala Harris warned Russia against invading Ukraine on Saturday during a trip to Germany that marks an opportunity for her to stand out on the world stage and show her foreign policy skills at a critical moment. But … Read More

Republicans to Biden: No to nuclear deal that isn’t approved by Congress

posted in: News, United States

Nearly 200 House Republicans warn Biden that any deal made with Iran without Congress’ approval “will meet the same fate” as 2015 agreement. Nearly 200 House Republicans have written to President Joe Biden warning that any nuclear deal made with … Read More

Biden says a Russian invasion of Ukraine would hurt Americans. Here’s how

posted in: News, United States

With 150,000 Russian troops circling Ukraine’s borders and U.S. officials warning that a major invasion could take place any day, President Biden has signaled to the American public that it, too, may feel effects if Russia chooses to invade. “If … Read More

U.S. and NATO officials say they’ve seen no evidence that Russia has withdrawn troops

posted in: News, Russia

Officials from the U.S. and NATO say they have not seen a major withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine’s borders, despite the announcement this week by President Vladimir Putin that Russian military officials had ordered some troops to return to … Read More

North Korea Missile Launches ‘Provocation’: US, Japan, South Korea

posted in: Far East, News

The top diplomats of Japan, South Korea, and the United States declared their unity against North Korea on Saturday after a series of ballistic missile launches by Pyongyang. After a day of meetings in Honolulu, US Secretary of State Antony … Read More

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