Biden administration must rejig its North Korea strategy

posted in: Far East, News

The US preoccupation with sanctions and its rhetoric of protecting its credibility with its regional allies seem rigid and dated The UN Security Council was to hold an emergency meeting this Friday to discuss North Korea’s seven missile tests in … Read More

New Yorkers scared to walk the streets, expect ‘absolutely nothing’ from Biden’s visit with the mayor

One lifelong NYC resident said, ‘I cannot believe what’s happened in this city’ NEW YORK CITY – New Yorkers admit to feeling the impacts of rising crime but told Fox News they expect “absolutely nothing” to come from President Biden’s … Read More

ACT OF WAR: Thanks to COVID “vaccines,” the military’s cancer rate has more than TRIPLED

posted in: News, United States

America’s armed forces have been in the throes of a mass die-off event ever since Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” were forced on all servicemen. At the recent “COVID-19: A Second Opinion” panel that was hosted in Washington, D.C., Sen. Ron … Read More

US to warn Israel: China ties are a joint national security risk

posted in: News, United States

Remaining consistent with the administration’s message, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken will warn of China’s investments in Israel. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken plans to warn Israel against continued Chinese investments in the country’s infrastructure and hi-tech industry … Read More

U.S. and Allies Close to Reviving Nuclear Deal With Iran, Officials Say

posted in: Middle East, News

WASHINGTON — The United States and its European allies appear on the cusp of restoring the deal that limited Iran’s nuclear program, Biden administration officials said on Monday, but cautioned that it is now up to the new government in … Read More

Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – 28 January 2022

posted in: News, Weekly Update

Greetings from Tyler, You’ve no doubt encountered word this week of police ambushes.  They have to be very wary of responding to a domestic dispute or pulling a car over.  It’s heartbreaking that officers of the law are being murdered, … Read More

China’s ambassador to the U.S. warns of ‘military conflict’ over Taiwan

posted in: Far East, News

China’s ambassador to the United States issued a warning Thursday: The U.S. could face “military conflict” with China over the future status of Taiwan. In his first one-on-one interview since assuming his post in Washington, D.C., last July, Qin Gang … Read More

Russia sees ‘little ground for optimism’ in the U.S.’s response on Ukraine crisis

posted in: News, Russia

MOSCOW — The Kremlin said Thursday that there was “little ground for optimism” in resolving the crisis over Ukraine after the U.S. rejected Russia’s main demands, but that dialogue was still possible. Tensions have soared in recent weeks, as the … Read More

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