US, Israeli officials agree to expand bilateral economic relations

posted in: Israel, News

This annual economic policy dialogue between the two nations has been held since 1985. U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin shakes hands with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who urged him to crank up pressure on Iran at a press conference … Read More

Israeli pro-Trump caravan drives from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem

posted in: Israel, News

Trump campaign office in Israel organizes motor vehicle caravan from Tel Aviv to the capital, symbolizing relocation of US embassy. A motorized caravan of Trump supporters in Israel set out from Tel Aviv Tuesday morning, making their way to Jerusalem … Read More

Did Trump’s ambassador to Israel call for the Third Temple to be built in 2019?

posted in: Breaking News, News

Fireworks at the US Embassy, Jerusalem (Courtesy of FB screenshot: US Embassy Jerusalem) Although July 4, is tomorrow, the US Embassy in Israel pre-emptively celebrated America’s 243rd Independence Day on Tuesday. The gala event was hosted by the US Embassy … Read More

Analysis Trump’s Golan Declaration: Blessing for Netanyahu, Message to Russia

posted in: Israel, News

The international response is likely to be weak, and returning the Golan isn’t something most Israelis support. The significance is mostly political, and the timing unsurprising. U.S. President Donald Trump (right) and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hug after speaking at … Read More

US envoy to Israel: Evangelical Christians firmer Israel backers than many Jews

posted in: Israel, News

As David Friedman hails their ‘fervor and devotion’ in NY Times interview, his counterpart Ron Dermer calls devout Christians the ‘backbone’ of US support for Israel. Israel’s Ambassador to the United States Ron Dermer, United States Ambassador to Israel David … Read More