Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – March 1, 2024

Greetings from Tyler, We’ve seen competing border visits by the pretender and his opponent.  For some reason they decided that Mr. Biden should visit a segment of the border where the caravans don’t cross.  There is lots of speculation about … Read More

February 23, 2024 – Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong

Greetings from Tyler, It’s as if it never happened.  Farmers erupt all over Europe, blocking various well-traveled sites and it’s barely news.  They’ve disbanded, but leaders say they’re ready to resume the protest if announced concessions are not forthcoming.  This … Read More

Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – February 16, 2024

Greetings from Tyler, It might be a good time to risk a peak at the mainstream news.  Even they couldn’t choke down Ms. Willis’ testimony yesterday.  Millions no doubt tuned in this morning to continue to watch the proceedings unfold, … Read More

Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – January 26, 2024

Greetings from Tyler, We seem to have the next thing to open battle about the border.  The Texas governor has invoked the word invasion, which gives him special authorities.  You’ve seen the video from the border.  Everything is working like … Read More

White House asks supreme court to allow cutting of Texas’s border fencing

The Texas governor has imposed harsh border policies and bussed tens of thousands of migrants to Democrat-run cities The Biden administration has asked the US supreme court to allow border patrol agents to cut through razor-wire fencing that Texas placed … Read More

Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – December 29, 2023

Greetings from Tyler,      The pretender is signaling that the U. S. may be “dragged into war with Russia” if Ukraine should lose the war.  That sounds pretty bleak.  Apparently WW III is not too high a price.  Knowing … Read More

Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – September 22, 2023

Greetings from Tyler, The scenes from the border are unbelievable.  Here they come.  It was bad before, but now it’s even worse.  It’s not like a one time arrival of some group, it’s thousands of people waiting to be signed … Read More

Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – September 1, 2023

Greetings from Tyler, Most of us have found some tranquility.  But that can be interrupted by seeing most any news report.  Much of the time, it’s not even news reports.  It’s someone angrily preaching some woke philosophy.  They’ve got Trump … Read More

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