US, Israeli embassies in Berlin received threatening letters with ‘white powder’

FILE – In this Oct. 25, 2013 file photo the US flag flies at the main entrance of the US embassy in Berlin. Berlin police say threatening letters containing a white powder have been sent to both the American and Israeli embassies in the German capital.  (AP Photo/Michael Sohn, file)

German police are currently investigating two hostile letters containing white powder sent to the American and Israeli embassies in Berlin last month, authorities said Tuesday.

The Israeli embassy received the suspicious letter on July 24, and a similar letter was received by the US embassy in the German capital two days later on July 26, The Associated Press reported.

Police have opened two investigations into the incidents on suspicion of disturbing the peace by threatening a crime.

A Berlin police spokeswoman confirmed the incidents to i24NEWS. She emphasized that the white powder contained in the letters was not dangerous, but did not specify the exact substance.

The suspect, she said, is a male whose identity is known to police. The suspect had sent similar letters to a number of other institutions in Berlin over an extended period of time.

The Israeli Embassy in Berlin told i24NEWS it would “not comment on matters related to security issues.”

i24NEWS Germany correspondent Polina Garaev contributed to this report.

