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VIDEO: Mexican Mayoral Candidate Gunned Down During Campaign Event


A gunman shot and killed a Mexican mayoral candidate as he was about to take the stage during a campaign event in the coastal state of Guerrero. The murder comes amidst one of Mexico’s bloodiest election cycles, with at least 36 candidates murdered and over 300 political attacks in a span of less than a year.

The killing took place on Wednesday afternoon in the town of Coyuca de Benitez in the coastal state of Guerrero. Mayoral candidate Jose Alfredo Cabrera Barrientos was preparing to close his campaign events in preparation for Sunday’s election. He was a candidate of an opposition party competing against Mexico’s ruling party MORENA.

A cell phone video captured the moment when Cabrera Barrientos was preparing to take the stage, and a gunman snuck up behind him. The gunman fired two shots, knocking down the politician. The gunman then reportedly stood over him, firing as many as 15 shots before trying to flee.

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Source: https://www.breitbart.com/border/2024/05/30/video-mexican-mayoral-candidate-gunned-down-during-campaign-event/
