‘We will never allow Iran to go nuclear,’ Israel’s Security Adviser tells Bahrain Summit

Israeli national security advisor Eyal Hulata described Iran as the “most destabilizing force in the region” in remarks Sunday, warning of “unprecedented threats” facing the world if Iran succeeds in developing nuclear weapons.

“The region is at a critical time regarding Iran. This is our time to deliver a strong and unified message — we will never allow Iran to go nuclear,” Hulata told the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) Manama Dialogue security forum in Bahrain on Sunday. “Iran has made great strides in its UAV development and usage, but its nuclear development program is at the top of the threat list.”

The former Mossad officer warned that should Iran achieve its nuclear ambitions, “the region as we know it is no longer; the free world will face extreme threats it hasn’t faced before.”

“Iran will not make any concessions just because we ask them nicely. The Iranian issue is not just our problem, it’s a global problem,” Hulata remarked. “We support a unified global determination action. But at the same time Israel will be ready to defend itself if it needs to. We will make the preparations to do so.”

The comments come as stalled nuclear talks with Iran are scheduled to resume later this month in Vienna.

Hulata said that although the US and Israel may not agree on everything, “we share the goals of preventing Iran from ever being able to break out nuclear weapons and to limit the regional domination.”

Also speaking at the security forum, White House Coordinator for the Middle East and North Africa Brett McGurk reiterated that the US commitment to Israel’s national security is “ironclad and sacrosanct.”

McGurk stated that the US is “deeply concerned as should the entire world [be] … about the dramatic and increasing acceleration of Iran’s nuclear program since the prior presidential administration left the JCPOA.”

McGurk emphasized that although the Biden administration is committed to diplomacy, the US is also prepared to pursue other options should the efforts fail.

“If we need to use force we are prepared to do so decisively, we are not going to get drawn into tit for tat exchanges of fire with Iranian-backed proxy groups,” McGurk warned.

Hulata pointed out that his participation in the security forum coincides with the one-year anniversary of the Abraham Accords, the normalization agreements signed between Israel, Bahrain, Morocco and the United Arab Emirates, and brokered by the US.

“These agreements have been a clear message across the region, that collaboration, innovation, and optimistic vision are the best driving forces for the better future of our peoples,” Hulata said.

Hulata disclosed that he would be traveling to the UAE later on Sunday to join Israeli Minister of Energy Karine Elharrar, who will be signing a declaration of intent with her Jordanian counterpart to build a large solar power plant in the kingdom. The deal also plan for the construction of a desalination plant in Israel to supply fresh water to Jordan.

Source: https://www.algemeiner.com/2021/11/21/we-will-never-allow-iran-to-go-nuclear-israels-security-adviser-tells-bahrain-summit/
