Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – 12 March 2021

Greetings from Tyler,

The news is too bad to hear or watch.  We all hope they (our new masters, bristling with new-found authority and kindergarten talk) don’t get away with a fraction of their nonsense.  But they might.  Apparently they’re going to push through a “law” that spends 1.9 Trillion, mostly to bail out the indebtedness of New York and California, which are still milking the COVID panicWhere’s all that money coming from?  Oh, they’ll just add it to the national debt.  It might be worth pointing out that a handful of states, (Florida, Texas, South Dakota…) those that wouldn’t do the COVID shuffle, are the ones that are carrying the weight of the whole United States.

We’re not sure why the “vaccine” is being lauded and praised.  First of all, it’s not a vaccine and it doesn’t work like one.  Some people are not reacting well to it, and some have died trying to become immune.  Organizationally, we don’t tell people what to do or not do.  Just like all other matters, it’s between you and God and none of our business.  We expect that people will make informed decisions that are not swayed by fake news and fraudulent polls.  If you rely on them you’ll conclude that most people are nuts.  But that didn’t just start, it’s been going on for years.

If you believe the mainstream, you’ll conclude that people just can’t wait to get the government boot on their necks.  “Tell us what to do and when to do it.  And punish us severely if we don’t hop to.”  Isn’t it wonderful?

Go ahead.  Break the back of the United States so we can all feel good about ourselves.  And by all means, let’s get as many Central and South Americans up here so we can finance their American dreams.  We feel better already.  Except none of this is going to work long term.  Spending this country into oblivion is not the answer to any of the emotional nonsense that spews out of every device.  Federal compassion doesn’t apply to American citizens, who are nothing but racists anyway according to the truly enlightened.  These COVID bail-out checks are just an attempt to get as many as possible hooked on the idea that the government should be responsible for everybody’s needs.  There’s not anything American about it.  It’s not our way, at least it wasn’t.

The border situation is a full-blown catastrophe, sorry to tell youThere are reports and photographs showing that the drug cartels and human traffickers are running the show nowPeople are piled up at the border, each having paid smugglers thousands, if not tens of thousands for the promise of entering and going on the dole.  What’s up with all the unaccompanied minors?  Apparently the land of promise has unlimited compassion and doesn’t mind spending several generations out into the future to prove it.  Most of these do-gooders won’t live long enough to see the blight they’ve ushered in.

What are we supposed to think when the military is most concerned about free “transition surgery?”  Apparently we have a lot of pregnant women flying fighters and bombers, because the speech that nobody watched let us know that one of the great accomplishments of the new regime is the advent of “maternity flight suits.”  There are no good words to say about it.

The man acting as president must read the teleprompter and never, but never speak off the top of his headIf you’ve seen some of what he’s said when not scripted, even lately, you’ll know his minders cannot afford to have him stray from the carefully crafted script.  It seems designed to make everyone who loves the country apoplectic, while appealing to the faculty lounge mentality.  We’re beginning to wonder what will become of the military, what will become of the greatest nation on earth?  Right now it looks like we want China to overtake America in every conceivable way.  What, are we going to stand up to them with?  Homos, trannys and pregnant women?

We hate to say so, but it’s too obvious to pretend otherwise.  This is the fake messiah’s third term.  Gone is any former pretense of caring about America’s citizens or the country’s future.  Joe will read what he’s told to read, and you can just suck it up while you’re contemplating what racists we all are.  We had no idea it would end up this way, and still hold out hope that it won’t.  There were numerous miracles and impossible interventions that allowed for the formation of the United States.  Had God not ordained it, we wouldn’t be here, having lived our lives in freedom as we have.

But the rejection of God, calling his judgments “bigoted,” and the introduction of nonsensical clap-trap is going to be the end of it.  Whether the pretense that the experts are going to “save the climate,” or the “planet,” or the introduction of government-sponsored “transitions,” or the revocation of freedoms the Constitution guarantees, it’s going to take Divine intervention if this juggernaut is ever to be turned around.  We don’t rule it out.  But people better come to their senses and stop cooperating with the destruction.


Source:  http://www.intercontinentalcog.org/fridayupdates.php
