Greetings from Tyler,
It turns out that Antarctica is setting historic (for as long as man has been keeping track) records in the cold department. There’s more snow and ice than they’ve ever seen. But keep it secret. They’ll throw you off social media if you dare lampoon settled nonsense. It’s good they switched global warming for climate change, and just in time. Now record cold is proof of global warming. What are you, a science denier? It’s been comical for some time, but the buffoons pushing “climate change” have no sense of humor. Particularly where they themselves are concerned.
There’s been some funny stuff already in the great movement to convince us of “climate change.” The Australian ship that set out to monitor warming seas, that got marooned in ice requiring rescue. The scandal of East Anglia climate experts and the communications that proved that even “scientists” were willing to fake the numbers in fact “hide the decline” in order to “prove” their false narrative.
But the powers that be (and nearly every large business concern) are all through trying to convince us of anything. Now it’s all about punishment for the non-believers. Say something questioning their religion, you’re banned. We can’t have people like you expressing opinions that aren’t sanctioned by science. The real problem is that these power mongers don’t believe in God. They’re still operating on the basis of the first lie ever told, “You shall not surely die.” Unless of course you refuse to do what you’re told. Then you’re dead.
We haven’t heard too much about predestination lately. “I guess it was his time…” No, everybody is supposed to have their hair on fire about Coronavirus, global warming, and domestic terrorists. It must be important that the bunch of them stay on offense at all times, always blaming regular Americans, trying to make everyone feel guilt for working, prospering and trying to live our lives in freedom.
How much time and effort was devoted to the nonsense the mainstream spewed ceaselessly for the entire duration of the Trump presidency? How much of it turned out to be true? They hammered headline accusations. They dissected the word “collusion,” said it had happened, and that was a crime. In fact, they said it was treason. The networks rooted for impeachment breathlessly, and took great pleasure in informing us that it was happening. Finally! But it all came to naught. All but the lingering suspicions on the part of the networks and their reporters that Trump was guilty, alright. The case just hadn’t been adequately proven. But don’t fret, they were right all along. Now back to the pandemic.
Scandals are roiling, but they never see the light of day in the mainstream. The Attorney General is calling parents, ticked off by the racial curriculum being used to brainwash their children, domestic terrorists and trying to get the investigative branch involved. Who do these parents think they are? Turns out that his family (daughter and son in law) are making a fortune supplying this drivel to schools all over the country. We were apparently never supposed to find out, but did. The mainstream knows nothing about it. They preach global warming like a religion, and you better not insult their idea-baby. My Dad invented the term, and there could be no better use of it.
AP News June 30th 1989 – ‘Senior UN Official warns entire nations wiped off the face of the Earth unless Global Warming is not reversed by the Year 2000….governments have a 10-year window to solve the greenhouse effect before it goes beyond human control’.
“It may already be too late!” the headlines screamed. The litany of failed prognostications by these pompous buffoons is beyond comical. They’ve been trying to get the public panicked for at least forty years. First they freaked out about the coming ice age. Papers were published and leading scientists interviewed. Yep, global freezing was going to make us all move somewhere, carrying a load of man-made guilt.
But then they realized that it wasn’t getting colder, so they flipped a 180 and told us we were all going to burn up instead. The sea ice would be gone at the poles. Children would have to see pictures to understand snow. It was a thing of the past. Al Gore made his infamous movie and was lauded, virtually worshiped as some great seer. We plan to include the ridiculous headlines in the next issue of 21st Century WATCH magazine. It’s so idiotic as to defy credulity. All efforts to convince anybody have faded into the background. It’s settled science, if there is such a thing, and we will now obey the mainstream or be castigated as some throwback who just doesn’t get it. You wouldn’t want to risk cancellation, would you?
Some things you just don’t do. Contradicting “settled science” is verboten. Even when the scientists are caught making stuff up to convince us to shape up, media covers for them and keeps pounding the clap trap as if it were true. Not panicked about global warming? You might be a danger to society.
But they’ve been making fools of themselves for the duration. But we are a polite bunch. The sissy boys act like they’re in the know, and all educated people agree with them on a whole range of subjects and attitudes. What if that’s not the case? Forget all the sneering and the eye-rolling, “everybody knows” routine. Even the anchors know better, never-mind all the acting.
They make it seem like all but the mentally deranged agree, and the corporate advertising doubles down on all the self-righteous nonsense. The regular Joe is facing a flood of propaganda, and we just shake our heads. It’s a pretend majority, and we all know it.
The Lord works in mysterious ways. Let’s not lose heart. The rotten scoundrels trying to undermine this nation will stumble upon justice sooner or later. Let’s pray it’s sooner.