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Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – 19 November 2021

posted in: News, Weekly Update

Greetings from Tyler,

We’ve been going over the layout for the next issue of 21st Century WATCH magazine, when the news the nation has been waiting for broke.  The kid who shot three and killed two during riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin was found Not Guilty by a jury that took it’s time to reach the verdict.  We can probably expect another uprising, you know, where real heroes with their identity concealed start dumpster fires and destroy property.  It was hard to take when the prosecutor with the frontal cowlick described the destructive rioters as wonderful individuals.  Heroes.  Antifa types.

Kyle probably shouldn’t have been there.  On the other hand, what if there were hundreds like him ready to make citizen’s arrests for destruction of property?  Too bad there weren’t.  If there had been, the town might not have been on fire.  It seems everyone has used this trial as if it wraps all the elements at play into some over-arching national debate.  You may have seen nearly every three letter network soberly describe the defendant as a vigilante and inexplicably, a white supremacist.  They said he went there to shoot people, and that’s what he did.  According to the prosecutor, the fact that he was carrying a gun meant that he gave up the right to claim self defense.  Other lawyers with no dog in the fight said, “Nonsense,” or words to that effect.

Unfortunately for the prosecution there was video.  Lots of it, from numerous vantage points including an overhead drone.  Many, including yours truly, were impressed that the young man never pulled the trigger until the last moment when he risked serious injury or death.  But he was painted as the villain, a killer, a racist vigilante by the whole mainstream media.  It might be a reasonable time to watch the fake news react.  Good news to us is bad news for them. Highly paid lunatics.

And there’s more bad news for the mainstream media.  A respected institute has released a study saying that the vaccines lose their efficiency beginning at eight weeks.  Meanwhile the vaccinated are urged to shame the unvaxed, more urgently all the time.

In our next magazine is a page that has a montage of photographs showing demonstrations against government mandates all over the world.  It’s hard to remember seeing any of this in the news.  People all over the western world are used to being able to make up their own minds, free of coercion. That’s hardly the case anymore.  Somber commentators and “reporters “ threaten to make an example of anyone who dares advise non-compliance.  Maybe you have a misplaced sense of what your rights are.  We’re talking about the collective here.  It’s perfect!  Why didn’t the dictatorial class come up with this years ago?

The answer is that now they have the corporations, the media, Black Lives Matter and antifa, probably the most seriously misnamed outfit ever.  They spout nonsense by the hour and you have to wonder who’s watching?  Even the clips make you question their sanity.  But it might just be about the money for some of them.  Surely they can’t be as stupid as they pretend.

How can this not blow up in their face?  They’ve spent years trying to get us worked up about global warming, then racism, now the Coronavirus.  It’s a long list of nonsense that we’re supposed to be willing to go along with based on the concern of experts.  We wouldn’t understand, the people are so dim.  They’ll make demands then shame those who dare contradict.  Social media will ban the distribution of any information that exposes one sham after another.  People will be punished if they dare speak out against any mainstream dogma.  It’s not just the short list mentioned above.  It’s everything.  We suffered through at least two years of the mainstream lying through its teeth, bringing on Congressional liars confident in their deceit.  There was Russian collusion and huge investigations.  There were impeachment trials where the mainstream and those dedicated to the conviction of President Trump and his allies were November all the rage.  We’ve suffered through so much misinformation and outright lies by the mainstream, we can’t begin to remember it all.

It’s starting to look like THEY (the government apparatchiks, the media and corporations) are the odd ones out.  Maybe they’ll just fail under the weight of their own nonsense.  Or maybe they’ll end up irritating too many citizens.

It’s as clear as a bell.  The world, or better put, the third world is being ushered in by the millions while American citizens are held to unreasonable requirements and proof of submission in many places.  No such requirements are mandated for the hordes of unwashed, spirited to destinations unknown in the middle of the night, only to be turned over to some religious “charity” that’s being reimbursed courtesy of the chased around taxpayer.

The spending?  We’re wondering whether the U. S. dollar can even withstand the bizarre spending ON SOCIAL PROGRAMS.  Apparently they have to destroy Western civilization before they can “Build Back Better.”

Some of us want to cling bitterly to the Constitution.  To the Bible.  To God’s Word rather than the world’s ideas regarding “values.”  Turns out the “values” of this world, and all the entities mentioned above fly in the face of nearly everything we hold dear.  One of these days we’re going to find out that the screamers, the irate racists calling everybody racist, the arsonists and the looters are not the majority.  With central control having been turned against the population at its own expense, it could get ugly.


Source: http://www.intercontinentalcog.org/fridayupdates.php
