Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – 22 October 2021

Greetings from Tyler,

We’re sorry, but our website was not working properly for several days.  It’s almost fixed now and soon should be in full working order.  I’d tell you what happened if I knew.  As for 21st Century WATCH, we sent the layout to the printer several days before leaving for the Feast of Tabernacles.  In the past we’ve been surprised at how fast we received printed copies back here at the office, and knew that everyone would receive their copy within days.  But you’ve been hearing about shortages and delays with ordered goods?  That’s what we’re being told about the magazine, they couldn’t get the paper in a timely fashion.  And still we wait.  The issue has been posted at 21stCenturyWatch.com if you’re tired of waiting.

Our immediate concern is for those that are experiencing health difficulties.  Not here in Tyler.  Some have had the dreaded Wuhan virus, and recovered at about the same rate as familiar bouts with the flu. Apparently  people react differently, some with very mild symptoms, others more severe.

These Updates have been a little testy about everybody barking orders and making demands.  Even those who’ve taken the decision and gotten their shots recognize that government officials (the infamous doctor comes to mind) don’t have the power to demand that we inject something.  Hundreds, no doubt thousands of employees at various concerns are walking off the job, unwilling to bow down to heavy-handed dictates by firms doing the government’s bidding.  But there is no law.  When did Congress pass a law requiring vaccination papers for employment?  It’s not been done.  Companies that survive on federal contracts are clamping down for obvious reasons.  The mainstream hasn’t heard.

As we’ve mentioned before, and everybody knows by now, parents have been shredding school officials over the anti-American, racial indoctrination little kids are subjected to as part of their curriculum.  Not only that, but the children are told that there are alternatives if they’re not happy with their gender assignment. No problem.  They can swap genders if they so choose, they’re taught.

The Coronavirus may end up saving America.  It turns out that parents got a good look at the kids’ schoolwork during the great quarantine, and those who paid attention were none too pleased.  School board officials have been publicly thrashed and shamed by furious parents.  You’ve undoubtedly seen some of these incidents.  School officials, fully masked, pretending to be distracted by some papers or their phones, acting disinterested while parents express absolute fury about the drivel their children are forced to “learn.”

According to communications that have gone public, a letter went from some national school board association to the White House saying that officials had been harassed and threatened.  Almost immediately the Attorney General fired off a letter to the FBI suggesting that the parents were a danger and should be investigated.  Maybe you’ve seen that he (Merrick Garland) was questioned before the Senate this week.  It went on and on as he denied everything.  You might call his answers stonewalling.  He had a memorized statement about his “memo” and repeated it to every question.  Even when asked about his daughter and son in law making huge sums off the marketing of the “educational” system, he repeated the same statement, over and over again.

This guy was nominated to the Supreme Court by the messianic transformer.  He didn’t get that job, but may be able to sustain serious damage as the Attorney General.  Some of the exchanges are extremely telling.  Somehow you get the impression that none of these high office holders have America’s best interests at heart.

They can’t wait to spend outrageous sums on socialist dreams for our future.  Maybe the future they plan doesn’t include us, how ‘bout that?  We can be thankful that a couple of holdouts have delayed their plans and may yet scuttle the spending spree, temporarily.  But it may not matter.  Apparently they’ve figured out ways to work around Congress whether there is any advice and consent or not.

So the mainstream media goes on acting as if they have a vast majority, a mandate in fact.  That may not be the case, but that’s the attitude broadcast over about five networks and several social media outlets.  Don’t agree?  Get lost.

Some of us are going to hang on to our Divinely ordained liberty more deliberately than ever before.  There’s only so much they can do to us, and it’s not nearly enough.


Source: http://www.intercontinentalcog.org/fridayupdates.php
