Greetings from Tyler,
The new monthly letter is being printed and will be mailed the first of next week. Our HQ building is cleaned up and cleaned out of leaven, and we expect there will be a good turnout for the Passover (Lord’s Supper) service to be held this evening at sundown. I will tell you that several hundred people have gone to the 21st Century WATCH website in response to a post offering explanation about the origins of Easter.
There is much to be said and understood about what’s happening in the United States and all around the world. Hopes for prosperity and survival have been dashed in so many ways, it’s hard to keep up and not much fun in any event. It appears as though those who purportedly “won” the election are going to use every conceivable path to try to outlaw the rights we considered inviolable.
But this is no time to be in a terrible attitude. We’ve got more important things to contemplate as another (forgettable) year has passed, and it’s time for the Passover and the Spring Holy Day season to commence. God has a glorious future in store for those who overcome the sins of this world, and this is a good time to reflect on those promises. We hope you all have a fulfilling Passover, and First Day of Unleavened Bread. And we’re looking forward to having visitors from near and far for the activities scheduled around the Last Day of Unleavened Bread next weekend.
There will be plenty of time to rail against the insanity playing out against everything we stand for next time. May God bless all His people who keep His commandments and respect His Word.