Greetings from Tyler,
It’s hard to fathom, but those pretending to be in charge are threatening to go “door to door” to ask whether we’ve been vaccinated. Good luck with that. Meanwhile the news is coming up with new variants, one is supposed to be unaffected by the vaccine. Seems like they’re tying themselves in knots trying to tell everyone what to do. Whatever happened to my body, my choice? That’s one of their favorite slogans when it comes to abortion. All fragile logic is shattered when it comes to instilling panic.
They had 92 shooting victims, 16 of which died including three wounded children LAST WEEKEND in Chicago (some outlets claim 104 shootings). Their lives didn’t matter enough for blm to hold a rally or loot and burn a couple of businesses. The Mayor… Somebody wrote to me and said, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all. So, look her up. Apparently she’s not particularly concerned.
Where in the world do you have to go to find a crime rate to compare? (It turns out that Chicago isn’t even among the top cities for murder and shootings, but at the current rate it just might make the list). While peaceful, patriotic citizens are being accused of racism around the clock, people are shooting each other up in Chicago and several other inner cities (Detroit, Baltimore…) across the US. Most of these crimes are never solved. Just another drug deal turned deadly. No, there are higher priorities. Like calling everybody racist. Meanwhile it’s a shooting gallery, with innocent bystanders and even children among the casualties.
The incredible thing about this circumstance is that the politicians claim it’s the fault of the guns. It’s “gun violence” they tell us. If they could just get rid of those guns that are shooting everybody. If you own one, you must be partially to blame because, “all those guns!” My Dad, like millions of Dads, owned several and taught us the safe handling of firearms. We took classes to ensure safety was always the highest priority when shooting or hunting. None of my Dad’s guns were ever pointed at anybody. Never. They never shot anyone.
It is interesting that Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws anywhere in the nation. The simpletons that run the place give speeches about guns being available outside the city and the criminals merely drive or send someone to another state where guns are available. But those places where they supposedly go to buy guns aren’t awash in shooting victims. Is it the guns? Or is it the criminals that are responsible for the bloodshed? If there were no guns there would still be murders.
It’s like so many other things. They’ve found something they can blame on peaceful citizens just exercising their Constitutional rights. There is an untold number of firearms in the United States, and more all the time. No passage of unconstitutional laws or confiscation plans is going to rid society of firearms. If the geniuses get their way, only criminals will own guns. It kind of makes you wonder if that’s not what they’re trying to accomplish.
Several incidents have gone viral where parents, and in some cases children, are telling off school boards that are trying to implement Critical Race Theory. The brainwashing has been in effect for some time. It is embarrassing to see purportedly “educated” college kids who know nearly nothing other than RACISM. Critical race theory supposes that the United States was built on a foundation of racism, and we’re all culpable.. We’re all a bunch of Bible-thumping “extremists,” whether we know it or not. That’s why you can’t be patriotic anymore. What are you, some kind of domestic extremist?
Several agencies that we pay for are committed to this theory. Stories claim that there will now be branches of Capitol Police established in places other than the Capitol. Their mission? Root out these “domestic extremists.” Day after day one of these executive dirtbags comes out and publicly brands “domestic extremism” as the greatest danger we face. You know where this is going. People who loved and respected what #45 was doing fall under suspicion. America first? That’s caveman stuff according to the really smart news anchors who aren’t shy about telling us what to think and believe.
They’re trying to tell us that this gay claptrap is “universal.” They want to be loved for “who they are,” the TV tells us. “Be authentically who you are” the promos say. Translation, if you’re a queer, by all means don’t change or give up over losing the respect of your parents or family. Society has your back. Besides, all those who disapprove are probably domestic extremists anyway. All the big corporations and news media companies are telling us what we must think, and that’s a problem.
The best retort might just be to say, “It’s against my religion.” Maybe that’s not appropriate in the eyes of the mainstream, but it’s true nevertheless. The Bible is a little murky on some subjects that people tend to argue about. But not this one. Over and over, Old Testament and New, comes one condemnation after another.
They’ve taken the rainbow, a sign that God would never again drown the inhabitants of the earth, and made it stand for something He condemns throughout His Word. That’s some coincidence. Has “pride” month ended? You should have seen the first-ever rally that took place in Tyler a couple of weeks ago. Yeah, we want to be just like those people. NOT!
Crime is legal, or nearly so in San Francisco. This week featured video footage of masked thieves making their getaway after they’d smashed display cases and scooped up bags full of expensive merchandise at Neiman Marcus The police are not particularly interested. Oh, shoplifting. Yeah, they’ve got more important things to worry about. Apparently some 17 Walgreens have had to shut down in the area. Meanwhile, you hear the lament about “food deserts” in the inner cities. People will have to find somewhere else to get their groceries or prescriptions filled, because the drug stores are headed for extinction.
It’s hard to make a profit when shoplifters come and go with impunity. At least some mainstream chains are still interested in profit. How racist is that?