Greetings from Tyler,
Maybe you’ve heard, it’s freezing in Texas. Not only that, but the wind is blowing hard enough to change lanes for you when driving. It’s too early to assume we’ll ever hear the truth but, why is the power out? The wind? I guess the wind didn’t blow when we were kids. In talking to someone who grew up here, as opposed to regular visits and extended stays, did this ever happen when we were kids back in the ‘60’s? Speaking for myself, I don’t ever remember the power going out at all, let alone for the long spells we’re enduring now. It’s a good thing the power is on at the office, or nobody would be here. There’s still a long list of places where the power hasn’t been restored, and my place is on it.
The first reaction is to blame the fact that a growing percentage of the Texas power grid is now supplied by solar panels and wind mills. But windmills don’t work if the wind is blowing too hard, and they use diesel engines to get them going. Solar panels don’t work when covered by snow, but the “planet” can’t get saved without them.
Where are they made, and with what? These buffoons saving the planet ought to try standing outside for a few minutes. It wouldn’t take much longer. This saving the planet exercise was definitely not designed for an Arctic blast. Or coincidental power outages.
Remember the snow and ice that didn’t melt for days on end two years ago? We remember. But global warming is still all the rage. I’d like to see them trot out some of that claptrap right about now, in Dallas or Houston. It seems that extreme cold might be the greater danger to life and limb. The people extolling the virtues of global warming action are headed to someplace closer to the equator where they can talk about climate change among themselves, where there are no contradictions just outside.
My son Michael has contracted for some beautiful ads in our local paper. They offer The Real Jesus and issues of 21st Century WATCH. The response will determine whether we buy space in other newspapers. Billboards are also something we’re talking about. I’m dreaming of one that says, “Go SAVE some other planet, you’ve done enough damage here.”
Zelensky begged Congress for money this week, and apparently got a standing ovation. I turn away every time he shows up, and apparently a lot of the members of Congress had something better to do. I’ve seen his pleas, but very little in the way of accounting for all the money. You don’t suppose the hurricane victims in Florida could use a little help? No, they’re too busy starting World War III in Ukraine, and the U. S. wants to be a player. Never mind that Ukraine has been made virtually uninhabitable, it’s probably Trump’s fault. Ukraine will need more money, and more money and then some more. Nothing else matters, except saving the planet. Even that might take second place to Ukraine.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but we’re not going to hold services this week on account of the dangerously COLD temperatures. Without a working heater or several layers of ski apparel, the human body simply couldn’t be expected to survive. It’s that cold. We’ll have to wait and see if the power is restored. It’s probably cold where you are too. Hope you don’t have a battery car.
The upshot of all the Twitter releases seems to be that the top law enforcement agencies were the ones getting people unplugged. NOBODY disputed the narrative without punishment. So what do you call it when the government is using third parties to do things they can’t lawfully do? It seems like Twitter was doing the government’s bidding, and why would that be? Who has regulatory power over these platforms? That might be the answer.
One can only hope the United States survives another two years of this demented pretender. If something goes sideways, he’s done. Anybody heard of the infamous laptop? We’ve known about it for two years, despite the vaunted law enforcement agencies saying it was Russian disinformation. How did those Russians get in that sensory deprivation tank at the rehab center and… It’s absurd.
And the 1.7 trillion! Apparently this uninhibited spending spree is set to continue throughout the coming year, nothing anybody can do now. Are they going to collapse the county, on purpose?
Saving the planet from global warming, or now climate change, is equally absurd. God will decide the future of the planet. These bozos are messing with the power, in more ways than one.