Greetings from Tyler,
Executive orders are coming in such a blizzard that the Democrats have no time to issue a response, assuming they have one. Things are moving at warp speed, and the left is not happy.
We know what it’s like to be in a resigned frame of mind, but things that are being put in place now fly in the face of everything the mainstream has been pushing for how many years?
Maybe we can relax. The geniuses are in charge and they’re keeping the left busy. You can’t react too quickly to what Trump says. Remember, he wrote the book on negotiations and never approaches something important half-cocked. For a while, we’ll be dealing with the remnants of a bygone era. It will be interesting to see how things change. Precedent is being undone at a blinding pace.
The Panama Canal? Trump says the terms of the initial agreement have been broken. China has facilities at both ends of the Canal and that’s not good. They’re saying that America pays the highest prices for passage, and they want us to cough up huge amounts for repairs. Trump is not looking kindly on the situation.
The talk of acquiring Greenland is something we hadn’t even thought of, but the issue has been raised in the past. But maybe that’s just a beginning point in the art of the deal, to coin a phrase. Who knows? The adults are in charge, and it sure feels good.
It seems like we’re being blessed, unless you’re on the wrong side of the law. Those people are losing their minds.
Executive orders are coming at such a pace, the lunatics barely have time to get mad! This talk of outsourcing our criminals? There are going to be court cases all over the place. They just can’t believe what’s been unleashed, and don’t know which way to turn.
We’ve lived most of our lives under poor leadership, exempting Ronald Reagan. Now, it looks like things are going to be put back right. The terrorists are scrambling to release the hostages before Trump gets frustrated. Everybody knows this guy means business, we just hope he doesn’t have to prove it.
The Senate hearings have been…interesting. Maybe you’ve seen some of them. The left is scared. Their whole world is crumbling right in front of them. All the nonsense we’ve had to put up with for decades is history. It looks like Trump will get the people he wants in positions of power.
We’ve turned the page. No longer will we bemoan that they’re teaching gay classes at school. Chances are we won’t be seeing any men atop the podium showing off medals they won against real girls. We don’t have to hear about locker rooms any more. The networks are hurting, they no longer have a monopoly. You wonder what’s going to happen about TV? Everything has changed right in front of us.
Nothing lasts forever, not even the graft of those screaming the loudest. We’re going to be getting our minds blown over the theft. Whole agencies are dedicated to it. You’ve seen the news on USAID? The left is furious, but haven’t figured out how to respond. It’s glorious!