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Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – July 19, 2024 


Greetings from Tyler,

The week we’ve just lived through will take its place in history.  It is, as somebody said, beyond explanation.  

We came within an inch of losing President Trump.  What would we be facing if they’d have killed him?  They’ve tried EVERYTHING to get rid of this guy.  They’ve run out of options, and they’re going to lose unless they cheat again.  If that happens I don’t even want to know.

How many court cases have been launched at Trump at one time?  Laws co-mingled and stretched till nobody knows what the crime was.  The court cases have not gone well for those who revile Donald Trump, except one in New York.  You wonder what will happen with that before it’s overturned.  

What haven’t they tried to get rid of him?  Two impeachments, all kinds of accusations, all seeming to evaporate.  There’s only one way!  But that failed too. I’m starting to think he’s under God’s protection.  I hope so.  The world would be upside down if they’d have killed him. We still don’t know what happened with the assassination attempt, at least I don’t.  There’s a lot that makes no sense, but the important thing is, he’s still alive. We don’t even want to consider what would have happened if he hadn’t turned his head.   

The articles that allow comments would make you think that the public believes that 

Trump wasn’t hit in the head as a result of Divine Intervention.  The distance from your ear to your head isn’t much.  Had he not cocked his head to look at the illegal immigration chart, we’d live in a whole different world.

Now there will be more conspiracy theories than there have been over the JFK assassination, and some of them may turn out to be true!  Biden should have thought twice before saying, as he did only a handful of days ago, “We’ve got to put this guy in a bullseye.”  Maybe the masters of the party didn’t know anything, but I wouldn’t bet on it.

The mainstream approach is, Trump is not only crazy, but dangerous and a threat to “our democracy.”  They’ve likened him to Hitler on magazine covers, and the quick trip to fame is to have some clever accusation that nobody’s heard before.  They’re terrified of another Trump presidency, and they realize that they almost made him a martyr.  If the bullet had found its mark, there would have been a huge sigh of relief in some circles.  They should thank their lucky stars he wasn’t killed.  Whoever is in charge must live in their own world, devoid of the feelings sweeping the land.

Suddenly most commentators on the internet think it was an act of God that he wasn’t hit square in the head.  Who’s going to deny it?

Is the Secret Service really this inept?  The answer would be yes, with them “prioritizing” woke nonsense.  The five foot lady who’s in charge of the Secret Service isn’t talking, though she’s under subpoena to testify before Congress and is sure to get an earful when she appears, if she appears.  She ought to be weighing what country to escape to.

As for the pretender, it’s getting sad to watch.  Little by little everybody’s abandoning him.  For a while it looked like Jill could keep propping him up, but now we know how desperate the situation is.  Every time he shows up it’s another embarrassment.  The world has bad guys that know that the U. S. is not a factor.  How many wars are there? How many potential conflicts? The world needs a strong United States, and a Commander in Chief with some experience, thinking clearly. 

One thing for sure. The pretender is going to have to end the pretense.  We don’t know who will follow him up, but those responsible are not just going to willingly take the ride to Joe’s defeat.  But who?  That’s a problem.  Maybe they should give Hillary another chance.  That would be entertaining.  Trump has taken to calling Hillary “beautiful,” because he wanted to apply the “crooked” word to Biden.

The news says he’s decided to resign after his term is up.  But it’s going to be a free-for-all, or maybe all the top contenders (none worth a plugged nickel) will not want to suffer the humiliation of what’s coming.

The pretender apparently knows his time is up.  The family is meeting, trying to figure out how to bow out gracefully, but it’s too late for that.  Can you imagine what’s going on behind the scenes?  Certain members of the family require protection, and they’ve got to figure that out.  But with so much corruption in their wake, it won’t be easy!            

I don’t have to tell you that things around the world look ominous.  With the U. S. out to lunch, the bad guys will carry out their plans.  On the other hand…
