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Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – June 2, 2023


Greetings from Tyler,

If you didn’t see Jane Fonda at the Cannes Film Festival, you should.  She’s still beautiful, but crazier than a bedbug.  She says the executives of oil and energy companies should be put in jail.  For what?  Apparently, they’re destroying the planet.  That’s according to the new religion that’s taken over many of the brand names we knew and used to like.  Suddenly these companies think it’s more important to go along with global nonsense than it is to make money.  You thought these companies need to make a profit?  They’ve lost big money. Not only that, they can’t give their beer away.

Target?  What were they thinking?  Transgender bathing suits for children?  It’s like they thought long and hard about what would infuriate Americans, and did that. So John Kerry and Al Gore travel the world preaching their religion, and look like imbeciles doing it.  You choke on the arrogance they project as they travel to one place after another to carry on about the scam that’s making them rich.  What do we know?  I know the weather in Texas is like it always was.  These guys think they’re smarter than everybody else, and they’re going to leverage fear to herd us around.  It worked with Covid.

Remember when the fleet was going to run on used cooking oil, or algae or something?  They had commercials telling us how wonderful the future would be, what with them farming fuel.  It didn’t work.  After years of bio-fuel indoctrination, it didn’t make any sense.  We’re all wondering how long it will take before EVERYBODY has to admit this battery stuff isn’t going to take over the world.  It has its place, but it won’t power cities, or industry.  At some point reality takes precedence over kindergarten talk.  But it hasn’t happened yet, and the big companies and corporations want to please their government sponsors.  Looks like it’s going to be up to us to clue them in.  

The news has been trying to convince us that half the country is completely crazy.  They say it with a straight face.  Americans have turned out to be a long-suffering people.  But now they’ve done it!  They’ve gotten away with their nonsense for so long they thought they could pull anything.  But they’re finding out it’s not going to work.  They can kiss their profits goodbye.  These executives could piss off the pope.  Well, maybe not this one.  But they’ve certainly gotten to the rest of us.  

Now they’ve hit us with a pie in the face, convinced we’re a bunch of sheep.  Another miscalculation.  We hope they go bust, and we’re here to help.  

We’ll have to resist sooner or later.  We know about the Mark of the Beast, everybody has heard of it.  No man might buy or sell unless he has the Mark.  So what is it?  We’re going to have to decide to disobey onerous government regulations.  It would have been nice if we’d put up a fight sooner.  We’ve had all manner of nonsense visited upon us and being polite, haven’t shown them the door.  But that seems to be changing.  These big outfits that think they’re too big to fail are starting to find out otherwise.

Sports Illustrated has besmirched their swimsuit issue with some dude on the cover that thinks it’s a woman.  Or wants us to think it is.  That’s not going to go over either.  That’s how these trans people keep getting killed.  They fool somebody, temporarily.  When the truth is known, it’s not pretty.  There used to be a commercial on television a long time ago.  It said, “It’s not nice to fool mother nature!”  But they think if they can fool us once, that ends the discussion.  They win.  Wrong.  The rest of the trannies will give you nightmares.  They all will.

Lately we’ve been treated to discussion of the debt limit and funding of the government.  For years we’ve said they’d spend us into oblivion.  It looks like they’re bent on finishing us off.  All while calling us bigots, racists… it looks they’ve got the market cornered when it comes to epithets that apply to anybody who dares say they’re full of it.  They may have avoided an immediate bankruptcy, but we’ve already been spent into oblivion.

You don’t suppose it’s all about money?  It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity!  That should be reason enough to buy in to all the rhetoric, according to the prevailing logic.  The big financial outfits that own percentages of the companies are going to make a killing on us following mandates.  So what?  Will a man mortgage his soul to pocket serious coin?  That’s exactly what is happening.

The pretender has taken another pratfall.  It might be funny if it weren’t so sad.  The idea that this elderly man is directing the affairs of the United States of America is almost too much to bear.  He’s clearly not, though those directing him are making him think he does.  It’s pathetic.  We’re on a path to national destruction.  They’ve got a line, something to say.  We know better, they know we know better, but they trot off into the sunset like they’ve got everything under control.  It’s only a question of when it all comes crashing down.   
