Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – March 3, 2023

March 3, 2023

Weekly Update

Greetings from Tyler,

There used to be some professions you could trust, within reason.  Medical doctors and scientists were above reproach.  They went to school and learned things the rest of us would just as soon not have to deal with.  But that earned them the lofty titles, and the respect of nearly everybody.

But it seems they are not immune to greed.  Doing the right thing comes with a hefty price tag, and nobody it seems, wants to rock the boat.  There’s enough money to go around if they won’t make waves.  Prominent doctors and scientists can become rich if they’re willing to spout the narrative.

We’ve seen basic rights curtailed, with untold implications. The government, state, federal or whoever, can mandate nonsense against your will?  It was in contravention of everything it means to be an American, but then you might die.  If you don’t comply, you’re probably a danger to all with whom you come into contact.  Fear was brought in to herd otherwise free Americans.  You’ve seen the examples of the businesses who lost it all on account of the “recommendations” of some national or international agency of repute.  Who did we think we were, daring to question the “science?”  If there’s anything you dare not question, it’s the accumulated knowledge of the highly educated.

It looks from here like they’ve squandered their credibility.  Do you think any scientists are employed who don’t pay lip service to global warming?  Are any doctors making a living on disputing the conventional wisdom on Covid?  Maybe two are.  When scientists and doctors lose their credibility…  We’ve been told whoppers by the anchors on national networks.  We’ve been fed a steady diet of the company line, and realized the networks are carrying water for the pharmaceutical outfits.  And government officials.  Maybe you’ve noticed.  Television funding comes from the advertisers.  Have you seen how many medical ads are playing?  Are they going to bite the hand…?

This has been a pretty rich week.  Watching the Attorney General of the United States playing dumb for all to see.  There was hardly a prosecution over looting and burning, all the uncivilized behavior we watched in horror.  But, if you’re in the public domain, you better not air any disagreement with the powers that be.  No, the agencies always apply the law without regard to any political influence whatever.  Complete with battering rams and swat teams.  The most dangerous thing you can do is disagree with the exercise of government power.  It’s enough to make you sick.  

There’s no end to the weapons and money we’re sending to Ukraine.  All but airplanes.  Every few days there’s another announcement of unfathomable sums awarded.  The pretender giving bear hugs to the recipient.  We witnessed the incongruous visit by Janet Yellen to award yet more, and then there were the clips.  “As long as it takes,” was uttered by all the top people.  Kamala’s intonation was real dramatic.  East Palestine, Ohio is flyover country as far as the bigwigs are concerned.  But Ukraine!  

The list of the goods squandered in Afghanistan has been published.  You can’t believe your eyes.  It’s mind boggling, and it goes on page after page.  Dozens of airplanes, helicopters, Humvee’s, tanks, millions of rounds of .50 caliber ammo, all the latest stuff.  Not to mention the airbase, one of the most sophisticated on earth, and our army evacuated in the most humiliating display since Saigon.  

If we don’t live in an age of mass deception!  Even when the masses have most of the corruption figured out, the media is there to tell us otherwise.  There’s not a chance we’re as dumb as the media make us out to be.  But so far, they keep banging on.  They apparently can’t admit their part in the deception.  

For two or three years it would get you banned from social media if you suspected the wrong thing in public.  Any difference with the vaunted “experts” would wear the label of “disinformation.”

So the head of the F.B.I. comes out and casually states that Covid may have come from a Chinese laboratory.  That kind of talk would get you suspended from social media until recently. He didn’t admit that Fauci funded it,  but he did.  What?  Yeah, no big deal.  You could get kicked off any number of media platforms, with government lawyers making the decisions, if you were to surmise such a thing.  

Hopefully sooner or later, we’ll find out what really went on.  It’s not pretty.  It feels like much that we hold dear is under attack.  Suddenly, the U. S. is getting its nose bloodied all around the world.  The mainstream tries to explain, but anybody can see this is not good.  It’s starting to look like “our national leaders” are not on the side of America. 



