Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – May 19, 2023

Greetings from Tyler,

There have been a lot of times over the years where you think the population has lost its mind.  The anchors with furrowed brows, so transparent in their deceit.  So the long-awaited Durham Report has come out.  Presumably he got to the bottom of it.  I remember wondering at the time how much of our lives they would dare waste with nonsense.  But, as you know, the mainstream ate it up.  Boy!  Was Donald Trump in trouble this time!  Day after day, month after month, for two and a half years there was expert speculation about treasonous crimes.  It would seem appropriate if they’d have to answer for the countless hours of valuable airtime they spent trying to convince us of what they thought.  Or what they wanted us to think.  Did they really believe any of the nonsense they were reporting?

The Durham Report?  A big nothing-burger.  Some of the “experts” are still ranting.

You just can’t go by what is being preached on every network but maybe two.  The press behavior around the big guy is unconscionable by any standard.  Any questions about scandal?  They’ve made a decision somewhere that if it’s ignored it’ll go away.  But they may have miscalculated.  The stuff they’re involved in may be too big to fail. But it’s like all the people who matter are on the same page.  Not only that, they’ve squandered their credibility.

They’ve delayed the inevitable by three years, so far.  But the officials and agencies are guilty of selective targeting and untold malfeasance.  The Fake News has another misdirecting story for their audience.  Even the attempts to manipulate us have become so apparent, it’s hard to stand.

We’ve been told (by polls and experts) that half the country is pure lunatic.  That doesn’t seem right somehow.  Sure, a lot of them are caught up in some fad that they’ll hopefully outgrow.  But if reality ever dawns…  Sooner or later it will.  But surely half the country can’t be crazy!

It was some weeks ago that somebody asked a European diplomat what would happen in the event of the U. S. defaulting on it’s debt.  She said the ramifications would be so severe, that it just couldn’t and wouldn’t happen.  But here we are again, the two parties playing tough.  When you consider how much is being spent going green, or whatever, and then the military services getting involved in some of this idiotic nonsense, it’s enough to disgust everybody.  If you don’t count the ones who are giggling and congratulating themselves for having brought it about.  But no one dares say a word, or they’ve got all kinds of devastating names to call you.  

Call it what you want, but the Sports Illustrated has put some of the most beautiful women ever in it’s magazines.  In swimsuits, mostly.  But here comes word that they’ve decided to put a dude in drag on display.  In a swimsuit.  This can’t be a good move, financially.  May they reap the whirlwind that Bud Lite created.  We’re looking forward to a full blown disaster.  I guess supermodels are going broke.   

We’re finding out to our dismay, that the three letter agencies are not dealing off the top of the deck.  Do you believe the stories of the “whistle-blowers”?  They’re giving testimony that’s just devastating to whatever credibility remains in the eyes of the public.  But we didn’t even need their testimony.  It’s confirmation of what we already knew must be going on.

It’s really getting old, the news telling us things on full authority that isn’t even true, but was cooked up for the sole reason of shaping our thinking.  We hope that this can be worked out through familiar channels, but the indoctrination goes pretty deep.  

Sports Illustrated thinks they’re going to change our minds by putting some glamorous trans on the cover?  There used to be a commercial on all the time, probably margarine.  It said, “It’s not nice to fool mother nature.”   
