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Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – September 1, 2023


Greetings from Tyler,

Most of us have found some tranquility.  But that can be interrupted by seeing most any news report.  Much of the time, it’s not even news reports.  It’s someone angrily preaching some woke philosophy.  They’ve got Trump trials lined up for the networks to report on.  Nine person panels take turns giving an inside view, with Trump guilty whether proven or not.  Isn’t it exciting?  

It’s a good thing Trump has been indicted, and is facing trial in four jurisdictions. Now they’ve got all the details to sift through and opine about.  They just can’t be bothered with the news that there appears to be proof the pretender accepted money to tweak U. S. policy as Vice President.  Remember when he boasted about “getting the prosecutor fired?”  Why did he publicly brag about that?  Maybe he knew it would come up sooner or later and was signaling that it was just another day at work for a man of his stature.  Well, it has come up.  

Now there are reportedly thousands of e-mails under assumed names, many of them to his son.  The contents have been described as outlining U. S. policies, and sent in advance of their announcement.  Now back to the Trump charges.

It seems like everything that could go wrong for the country and the world has gone wrong.  We’re shackled to the never-ending embarrassment, and thinking surely this guy isn’t formulating complex policies!  Our border is so overrun, I can’t stand to look.  The Texas Governor Abbott has floated large buoys across the Rio Grande, and the government is suing to make them go away.  So here we go again.  How dare the governor try to secure his state.

When we first heard about it, the busing of illegal migrants to New York and other “sanctuary cities” seemed like a gimmick.  But it’s gone on and on, and now New York is wondering what they’re going to do with all the migrants. 

The United States appears to be under sustained attack from all directions, and we’ve got a pretender who tells stories about how he almost lost his corvette and his cat one time, to people in Maui who have lost everything.  The fire has spawned conspiracy theories as you know.  We hope to live long enough to find out what really happened. There apparently weren’t any sirens, no messages on cell phones.  It’s a complete disaster, with unknown dead and smoldering rubble in what a month ago was paradise.

Thank God the Florida hurricane was not as bad as predicted, but then, what is?  We get run over by things we don’t even believe in.  No doubt people are suffering the aftermath in the hurricane’s path, but it could have been worse.  

Don’t risk a peek at the mainstream news unless you want to be furious in seconds.  They’re  preaching white supremacy on CNN, it’s their main thing.  Aside from attacking Donald Trump from every direction.  Maybe I’m wrong, but I suspect these trials will be an opportunity to make public things the mainstream has not wanted to report.  Just a guess.  These prosecutors who got elected promising to go after Trump legally are probably going to rue the day they decided to go for it over such a thin pretext.

Meanwhile, the world is spinning out of control.  Russia is making overtures to Iran.  We’re on the brink of war with China, and we’ve got a “president” who’s completely out of touch and trotted out to say everything is under control.  But Ukraine is a  quagmire, and we’re firmly on the hook.  Nobody dares mention any who might take the pretender’s place, because the “family” isn’t convinced he can’t continue to run interference for years into the future.

We’ve got a mess domestically and internationally, and we’re worried about satisfying the demands of the philosophy that’s become mainstream.  It looks like the nation that fulfilled God’s promise to Abraham has gone off the deep end, into all manner of hideous persuasions.  May we remain faithful, and sane, as we WATCH this thing unfold. 
