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Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – September 13, 2024


Greetings from Tyler,

You could have knocked me over with a feather. I watched the debate, most people probably did. You must have noticed when the moderators disputed what Donald Trump had just said, just to set the record straight. Kamala’s poses were priceless. They were practiced.  She can shake her hair and make faces, but she cannot deny where we’ve come as a nation.  

Europe is all about climate change, even though none of their solutions have worked out.  Windmills on the North Sea?  It’s a maintenance nightmare.  Man made stuff eventually breaks down and has to be replaced anyway.  How many times are they going to do things that don’t work? They were preaching this global warming stuff for fifty years.  It made no sense then, and it makes no sense now.  Man thinks he can alter the climate?  Maybe seed clouds and squeeze some rain out, that’s about it.

It’s not political anymore.  It’s about whether we survive or not. What? This Ukraine thing better not get out of hand.  Zelensky has run all over the world, collecting money and good will.  I don’t doubt that Putin is aggressive and these regions have been populated by people with loyalties, but let’s not blow up the world over it.  

The indisputable fact checkers are trying to tell us that the stories we read of imported people using pets and park birds for food are not true!  There are more stories, and photos now.  People that live in rarefied neighborhoods think it’s great that we’re importing millions of people from third world countries. I’ve been trying to tell you, they don’t think like us.  If you have some doubt, travel someplace and get back to me. It’s a whole different mindset with which Americans are not familiar. Whether they think they’ve got all the answers or not. 

The blessing of the United States of America cannot be overstated. If you think I’m wrong, travel. No doubt people with money need never experience the degradation. Our mentors tell us everything will be fine. But they’re insulated. They don’t have to deal with the reality of their generosity. The rest of us have to live with the results of their good will. No thanks.  

You dare not say anything bad about the newcomers. That would be racist! Whether they’re killing park animals for food or not! Why would they be doing that? Are we not supplying enough money for McDonalds? They say they don’t know anything about it, but there are pictures.  Oops.

We must be racist for looking at them. Meanwhile the remains of pets are found.

Tell me we don’t have wars and rumors of wars. Zelensky (former comedian in high heels) is running around the world telling of the atrocities committed by Russian soldiers, some no doubt true. But you get a bunch of desperate people from the third world involved, what do you expect?  

They tell us they can stamp out disinformation, and they (the government) gets to decide what is and isn’t fit for public consumption. But the mainstream line isn’t true. They’ll decide what’s true and what isn’t! That’s okay, we’ll fend for ourselves. We’ve got plenty of experience.

Meanwhile, we’ll be lucky if we’re not in world war 3. Firing American missiles deep into Russia?  What on earth?  

The Middle East is on fire, everywhere. Ships carrying oil are being attacked by terrorists. Yemen is out of control and so is the whole region.  Israelis are getting tired of the war dragging on, and there are still over 100 hostages. They found six, shot in the back of the head as their captors were fleeing. That’s the mentality.  No wonder we can’t understand.