Weekly Update by Mark Armstrong – September 27, 2024

Greetings from Tyler,

Hurricane Helene tore up everything in its path, and some lost everything. Our hearts go out to Rick Ford who apparently got his place plowed and is staying elsewhere. Panama City Beach is apparently OK with some flooding in the low areas. But back toward the East they haven’t faired so well. The internet says there are cities pretty much underwater, at least a couple of feet in the streets. There are reportedly millions without power, multiple tornadoes and a death count of 47. It’s a catastrophe.

All the major pollsters have the presidential race a toss-up within the margin of error. But Kamala Harris is the leader in most of the major polls. I don’t know how that could be, but you figure it out. You don’t need me to tell you that the world is a mess, and there are further threats that haven’t been realized yet. Don’t we have enough trouble already?

It looks like Israel is ignoring all the breast-beating and hitting deep within Lebanon. They’re apparently going to make sure that another October 7 never happens again, at least for the foreseeable future. Some of the more moderate regimes in the Arab world have their hands tied, and have to make hostile statements and threats toward Israel whether they want to or not. That’s because there are elements within their domain that demand it. This Middle East trouble may get out of hand. Maybe it already has.

I don’t know what to say about Ukraine. It looks like Zelensky would involve everybody in a world war. This is another one that could get out of control. Trump says he’ll get that war settled before he enters the White House if elected. How? We don’t know. Trump apparently met with Zelensky at Trump Tower today, maybe we’ll hear more about it.

This is a time when we need to be praying for those in the path of Hurricane Helene, and for our country.

We’ve just wrapped up another issue of TCW magazine, and I’d be lying if I told you we’re not proud of it. It’s off to the printer, and should be waiting in your mailbox after the Feast. I plan to take some printer copies of it to show off at Panama City Beach.

The Feast of Trumpets is October 3, the Day of Atonement October 12 (Sabbath), and the Feast of Tabernacles begins on October 17 and runs through the last Great Day October 24. My son and his family are planning to be at the Feast site at Land Between the Lakes. They’re going to see this, so I’ll keep it brief. They both worked hard on this latest issue of Watch magazine, and are of tremendous help all the time.
