World Food Programme Chief Warns of “Catastrophic” Humanitarian Crisis in 2021

In Yemen, at least eight civilians were killed and 13 others injured Thursday in an artillery attack on an industrial compound in the port of Hodeidah. Yemen’s Saudi-backed government blamed Houthi rebels for the deaths. The latest fighting in Yemen has exacerbated the world’s worst humanitarian crisis — where the United Nations warns about 80% of Yemen’s 30 million residents are in need of assistance. World Food Programme director David Beasley said Friday that Yemen tops the list of nations at risk of famine due to war, disease, and the climate crisis.

David Beasley: “We are now looking, literally, at 2021 being the worst humanitarian crisis year since the beginning of the United Nations. … We have to prioritize, as I say, the icebergs in front of the Titanic. We’ve really got to give priority to famine, destabilization and migration.”

Beasley predicts a record 235 million people around the world will need humanitarian aid next year — a 40% increase from 2020. The World Food Programme will receive the Nobel Peace Prize on Thursday, International Human Rights Day.

